November 10, 2012



    "This fact is revealed by the pro-corporate grand bargain that Obama nearly brokered last summer to fix the fiscal cliff.


    The New York Times explains:


    The White House agreed to cut at least $250 billion from Medicare in the next 10 years and another $800 billion in the decade after that, in part by raising the eligibility age. The administration had endorsed another $110 billion or so in cuts to Medicaid and other health care programs, with $250 billion more in the second decade. And in a move certain to provoke rebellion in the Democratic ranks, Obama was willing to apply a new, less generous formula for calculating Social Security benefits, which would start in 2015.


    There you have it. Obama was already guilty of everything he accused the Republicans of during his presidential campaign. His “tax the rich” demagoguery was mainly for show, the exact same promise he broke after the 2008 election."


    Shamus Cooke


    The Black Agenda Report


    "President Obama recently said of his plans for deficit reduction: 'I'm not wedded to every detail of my plan.  I'm open to compromise. I'm open to new ideas'; expressing his willingness to begin his second term by striking a 'grand bargain' – an effort to reduce the federal deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years, mainly through spending cuts, including in the government's most popular programs, Social Security and Medicare.

    Mr. O’Reilly, while your associates in investment banks got golden parachutes after sabotaging the global economy; while your compatriots in corporate suites, from General Electric to Exxon, threw lavish parties to celebrate not paying a dime in taxes; while your fellowship of trust-fund friends inherited millions from their families without putting in a day of honest work; while your friends in the Pentagon sit in air conditioned war rooms and send other peoples’ kids off to die in wars in the Middle East; while all of this is happening, Black and Latino communities were, and remain, in economic free fall. 

    Official Black unemployment stands at 14.3 percent (and the real numbers are even higher). Fewer than half of young Black men have jobs. Some 25 percent of Blacks and Latinos languish below the official poverty line, and more than a third of Black and Latino children live in poverty. You're damn right we 'feel that this economic system is stacked against' us, and the only way Black folks and people of color will obtain any measure of decent living is the only way we ever have: with a lot of hard work."


    The Black Agenda Report


    "I think that it’s morally obscene and spiritually profane to spend $6 billion on an election, $2 billion on a presidential election, and not have any serious discussion—poverty, trade unions being pushed against the wall dealing with stagnating and declining wages when profits are still up and the 1 percent are doing very well, no talk about drones dropping bombs on innocent people. So we end up with such a narrow, truncated political discourse, as the major problems—ecological catastrophe, climate change, global warming. So it’s very sad. I mean, I’m glad there was not a right-wing takeover, but we end up with a Republican, a Rockefeller Republican in blackface, with Barack Obama, so that our struggle with regard to poverty intensifies.

    In the president’s forward motion in the second term to establish a legacy—and I don’t think that being president ought to be about a legacy; it ought to be about advancing the best for the American people. But in this conversation about his legacy, I want to see what risk he’s going to take. Is he going to put himself on the line for poor people? Is he going have an honest conversation about drones? As Doc said earlier, you know, is he ever going to say the word prison—the phrase, ''prison-industrial complex''? Reagan wouldn’t say 'AIDS'. Bush wouldn’t say 'climate change.' Will Obama say 'prison-industrial complex'? I mean, I want to know where the risk is that equates to being the most progressive president ever. That’s the—I don’t get that...

    We don’t believe in making excuses. We believe that if [Obama] is not pushed, he’s going to be a transactional president and not a transformational president. And we believe that the time is now for action and no longer accommodation. But that doesn’t happen unless you’re pushed.

    Lincoln isn’t Lincoln if Frederick Douglass isn’t pushing him. FDR isn’t FDR if A. Philip Randolph and Eleanor Roosevelt aren’t pushing him. LBJ isn’t LBJ if MLK isn’t pushing him.

    I love Brother Mike Dyson… but we’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale. Everything is up for sale. And he and Brother Sharpton and Sister Melissa and others, they have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage. And we invite them back to the black prophetic tradition after Obama leaves. But at the moment, they want insider access, and they want to tell those kind of lies. They want to turn their back to poor and working people."




    "That is one thing you might've noticed I don't complain about: Politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. But where do the people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and American universities. And, they're elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out! …

    On election day... I stay home. I don't vote. *uck 'em! *uck 'em! I don't vote. Two reasons I don't vote: First of all, it's meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. The *hit they shuffle around every 4 years, pfff, doesn't mean a *ucking thing.

    And, secondly, I don't vote because I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around, I know. They say: "Well, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain." But, where's the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up... Well, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem. You voted them in. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done. And, I have every right to complain as long as I want about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.... As for me, I'll be home that day doing essentially the same thing as you. The only difference is, when I get finished masturbating, I'm gonna have a little something to show for it folks. Thank you very much."

    George Carlin


    "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persists.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades."

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower


    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them,will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

    Thomas Jefferson


    {Jack Ruby fearing for his life, and the life of his family told the Warren commission.... } "Well, you won't see me again. I tell you that a whole new form of government is going to take over the country, and I know I won't live to see you another time."

    Jack Ruby



    Un Bragamas avec la langue torte
    Viendra des dieux le sanctuaire,
    Aux heretiques il ouvrira la porte
    En suscitant l'eglise militaire.

    Babelfish translation:

    Bragamas with the language twisted
    from the gods the sanctuary will come,
    to the heretics it will open the door
    by causing the military church."

    Nostradamus/Michel de Nostradame
    Quatrain 78


    "In that quatrain, Leoni notes that "Bragamas" in the Old French means Broadsword, and being capitalized it suggests a personal name. There is a similar word in Provencal, which was widely spoken in Nostradamus's time, meaning Soldier of Fortune, and Leoni chose that descriptive term for his text.

    'Bragamas' sounds a lot like "Barack Obama" to me, and keeps the themes set in Nostradamus works (Hister=Hitler, etc.) pretty well. That business about twisted language definitely sounds like him, and since Bragamas was a term for a mercenary, that hits the mark too. This president came to power with fancy speeches about freedom and ending wars, and did the opposite. Instead of ending the wars, he extended them and added more." 

    George Edward Purdy

    It's hard to see how an election is so darn important for black America when the candidates aren't talking about the issues. Which one is the candidate that wants to roll back the prison state, or stop the drug war, or question gentrification? Is there a candidate who wants full funding of public education? A candidate who will cut off troops and military aid to Africa? If not, what are we voting for?

    This election is not about black unemployment, officially at 14%, actually double that. And, in the inner cities of Atlanta, Chicago, and similar places, it is closer to 50% of young men, including ex-prisoners. No Democrat running at any level proposes to address that. This election is not about black wealth, although the foreclosure epidemic drove the average black family's wealth down to a twentieth, as opposed to a tenth, of that possessed by the average white family, because no Democrat running wants to talk about that either.

    This election is not about black child poverty, which is the highest it's been since Lyndon Johnson declared a war on poverty nearly fifty years ago. And, it's certainly not about rolling back the prison state or reconsidering the drug war, because no Democrat wants to talk about any of that either.

    This election is not about justice for immigrants. Republicans talk the meaner game, but Barack Obama actually deported more than a million people in his first three years, more than all recent Republicans combined. This election is not about halting the privatization of education, because Romney and Obama agree on that too.

    It might be the most important election ever for the black political class. But, it's not the least bit about beginning to halt the wave of gentrification that decimates black communities everywhere, or making a start at rolling back the prison state, granting full citizenship rights to and ending discrimination against former prisoners, or even ceasing the incarceration of juveniles with adults. It's not about ending or even slowing down the futile, hypocritical, and racist war on drugs.

    The election is certainly not about punishing Wall Street for having crashed the economy, or keeping them from repeating their crime in the near future ...Republicans and Democrats alike agree that banksters deserve their bailout while homeowners, credit card debtors, and student borrowers deserve to drown.

    The current black political class, and its array of candidates from the president down, does not believe in social justice. There are big problems, but they fear big and truthful answers. They don't want to roll back the prison state. They just want to stick around awhile longer. They want to be on TV and collect honorariums. They don't know how to address joblessness or gentrification. That's your issue. They just know how to get paid."

    Bruce A. Dixon

    The Black Agenda Report


    This is your brain on Obama:

    Using Obama makes some people prone to wild mood swings and abrupt changes in personality. In their brainwashed cult-like state, Obama users turn on friends and colleagues who keep their principles, regardless of which capitalist flunky commits the crimes. What were shameful atrocities ten minutes before Obama was inaugurated, suddenly became badges of “toughness” after he swore to uphold/destroy the Constitution. (Take your pick — that’s what he does.) Obama users need treatment but, unfortunately, funds have been fast and furiously diverted to buy guns for Mexican drug cartels.

    Smoking Obama increases apathy and reduces empathy, regardless of race, creed or color. Now blacks, as well as whites, don’t care in the least how many dark-skinned people America kills throughout the world. Before the Obama epidemic, the entire American working class had no class consciousness, but now it’s most historically progressive element (blacks) has no race consciousness either. (Blacks, like all factions of the Democrats, only have symbolic consciousness — tangible improvements are never required.) For American capitalism, that Obama is some good *hit.”

    Randy Shields

    The Black Agenda Report


    "This is real simple for me. With all due respect to the formidable coalition of Latinos, women, and young voters, Barack Obama would not be sitting in the Oval Office right now had Black folk stayed home in their 'house slippers.' African Americans are his most loyal constituency and everybody in the Obama reelection campaign and in the Obama White House knows it. The president owes Black folk. BIG time.

    The poet Gwendolyn Brooks had this wonderful refrain, 'the last of the loud.' Respectfully, somebody has to remind the president day in and day out of the debt he owes Black America. After four years of being sidelined and silenced, it's time to get loud. We have to be willing to engage even if we are 'the last of the loud.'
    Word now comes that many Black notables will join together at a national symposium later this week to discuss the state of Black America and the road ahead. We will see if Black leaders are finally ready to turn up the volume. If we aren't, well, we're just going to get drowned out over the next four years. There is a line of folk wrapped around the White House who intend to collect on the Obama promissory note they've been holding since 2008. Where are African Americans in that line? Are African Americans even in the line?

    We celebrate this electoral victory today, but what about tomorrow? How tragic would it be at the end of eight years to be confronted by economic data which suggests (as the data does now) that in the Obama era Black folk lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category? I shudder at the very thought. So should you.

    Are we going to be the last of the loud, or just the last?"



    The fleeced sheeple have spoken. They will be swiftly fleeced anew. They have been fooled twice. Black Hobama Nazi drones have just insured that Hobama will never have a black agenda. They have proven to him that he does not need one.

    I told you so in 2006! I told you that the blackish bankster Hobama was a killer application for black political sanity. I told you that Goldman Sachs was the president. I told you that J. P. Morgan was the vice-president. I told you that no president will ever change that.

    Democracy is officially a relic. The electoral college secures voter fraud. Democrats have officially become Republicans. One elite party of banksters, corporatists, and globalists rules us all. Kudos to all of the red states! Kudos to all of the white Americans who voted for Hobama in 2008, but refused to be fooled again in 2012! They have proven that they are less racist and more intelligent than their peers of color.

    I will never believe that Hobama actually won this allegedly close selection. The national misery index is far too great! Too many people are jobless, homeless, or grossly underemployed. Wages are too low and debts are too high. Too many people know that HAARP wielded Hurricane Sandy. Too few fans attended Hobama's celebutante campaign events. Too many people know that Hobama is a bankster. Too many people see how Hobama has waged seven new wars. Too many sane people honestly admit that Hobama/GWB 3.0 is worse than King Shrub/GWB 1.0 in every way! Too many are paying attention to Hobama as he wages World War III...

    I know that this selection has evinced precisely how rainbow morons, pookies, and bimbos rule the world indeed. Michelle is the DL Hobama's loyal beard. Her“Please share my baby deddy” DNC speech was a masterful seduction of the bimbo factions. Females responded at the polls and voted with their husband/father lust in droves. Millions of fatherless young people, who have been uniquely doomed by Hobama's joblessness and homelessness for decades to come, rushed to vote for their American idol/surrogate dad. Millions of racist, politically illiterate, and masochistic fools voted for half of Hobama's skin color. They are arrogantly ignorant and proudly clueless. They are brazenly abused and eagerly ignored by Hobama. They cannot even spell NDAA.

    Post selection, Hobama has suddenly become prone to spontaneous weeping. He has done absolutely nothing noble to warrant such sentimental eruptions! Thus, we must question the true motivations of his curious tears. Could they be signs of a belated remnant of a conscience, that pities the loyally sucidal sheeple drones, whom he has pimped and bamboozled anew? Could Hobama's mule tears be signs of very real fears that he may finally be impeached for his serial war crimes and grossly failed foreign policies, that have culminated in a bloodbath in Benghazi, Libya? Could it be that Hobama knows that 50% of Americans voted for Mitt, because they no longer trust him to do anything more than continue to be unchecked by the coddling MSM, as he incessantly and pathologically lies to us all?

    Hobama can cry us a river!!! We have cried a river over his bankster antics since 2008! Perhaps he will now urinate less during his endless rounds of golf!

    Tragically, we now live in a world run by those who are too ignorant to read a political book, wear a belt, or practice birth control. How horrid it is that these very same persons are allowed to vote. I am elated that I did not vote. I will never waste my time standing in line beside foolish sheeple again. I evade them in all arenas, polling places included.

    The banksters who have selected and purchased Hobama long ago are the very same globalist gangsters who publicly executed President John F. Kennedy. They will never relinquish the global power that they have murdered to secure and retain. They will continue to rule America and the world, even after Hobama has been replaced by a new clone.

    Sadly, we must all suffer for the sins of politically suicidal and racist fools. Hobama's endless wars and global evils have only just begun. And, the MSM will continue to aid and abet him unabashedly.

    The complete death of true journalism has proven that the Revolution will not be televised. The Revolution will actually be replaced by a reality show called “Hobama the Democratic Messiah”. May God bless us all!

    Like countless others who have dared to judge that bloody bankster Hobama by his evil deeds, rather than his blackish skin, novelty tees, gaudy trinkets, and family photos, I have been accurate and clairvoyant. I will continue to be so. Why stop now when that amoral bankster Hobama will become even more evil through 2016? So, here are 12 of my predictions for Hobama/GWB 3.0:

    1. Hobama will never have a black agenda. He will no longer pretend to be noble and reticent. He will just ignore played out black “mongrels” more blatantly than ever.
    2. The DL Hobama will continue to betray the mindless solo issue voting homosexuals who adore him. He will never give gay military corpses equal widows' benefits. He will remain a talking frenemy to pimped gays. He will only continue to spew cheap talk in favor of gay marriage.
    3. Hobama will ramp up his record setting deportation of Latinos, as no more selections are pending. Hobama has already deported and orphaned over a million Latinos.
    1. Hobama will continue to wield HAARP events like Hurricane Sandy to distract, manipulate, and torment us. Hobama's East Coast Katrina II is already more horrific than King Shrub/George W. Bush's Katrina in the Gulf Coast. FEMA is already more inept and abusive on the East coast also.
    2. Hobama will wage WWIII immediately as he openly attacks Iran. He has been clandestinely at war with Iran since 2008. Nostradamus predicted this. It will be the eighth illegal war that Hobama has waged solo!
    1. The Hobamas will repulse us with four more years of endless golfing and incessant opulent rock star posse vacations, as we suffer massive and brutal Hobamacare layoffs and more global depression. We will all pay more for less health care. The Hobamas no longer have to even pretend to care about what we think or endure. As they party on with their fellow amoral Illuminati celebrity ilk, their elitist motto will remain: “Let them eat diet cake.”
    2. The MSM will continue to assist, blindly coddle, protect, excuse, and worship Hobama. Hobama's blatant warmongering and racism will continue to be masked by his blackish skin. MSNBC will continue to be HOBAMATV. Chris Matthews may undergo a sex change to carnally stalk Hobama. He may be unexpected competition for Kerry Washington and Beyonce.
    1. Hobama will continue to spy upon and limit the Internet. He will continue to seek the same control over cyberspace that he possesses over the MSM. Enjoy this site while you can...
    1. Hobama has already erased the middle class. He will now fashion a permanent underclass. Hobamacare is the ideal weapon. It is a casino for big pharmacology corporations. Amazingly, it also allows the government to take over and increase student loan interest debt. And, it allows the IRS to become the new Gestapo. Millions of reformed layoffs loom. Wages will be lowered. Hourly work schedules will be slashed. Joblessness and homelessness will increase exponentially. Hobama will continue to blame the Republicans for each designer catastrophe that occurs.
    1. Hobama will shock all of the pookies who voted for freebies very soon. He will soon blame the Republicans as he slashes them all. When Section 8 is axed, I pray that all of the pookies will fondly recall the working neighbors they once tortured. Those same neighbors will soon become their equally jobless and homeless peers.
    2. Hobama and his peer banksters have wilded upon the world since 2008. They will wild even more rabidly through 2016. The fiscal cliff, and our collective dive over it, rapidly encroach. The poll pimped sheeple have been fleeced to the flesh. Now, the flesh will be carved and bled. We will all drown in the rivers of blood that will flow.
    3. Hobama will continue to be the most effectively evil president in the history of America. Hobama has failed miserably and he will fail anew. He has already destroyed more than 47% of Americans. He will swiftly destroy 52% more. Hobama is the ideal Manchurian president for his 1% peers. He is a third generation CIA agent, an elitist bankster, and an insatiable drone loving global warmonger. That is a trilogy of sheer Bilderberg perfection for those who are the new rulers of the New World Order 2012.



    Karma is real. The sheeple will pay dearly via the banskter wrath of their false God Hobama's final reign. Here are a few more karmic musings for Hobama's euphoric Nazi robots:


    Memo to the Pookies:

    Hobama will continue to give his very best gifts to banksters. Your free cell phones and EBT cards pale when compared to 23 trillion dollars in cold stolen cash. Ask any bankster. Ask J. P. Morgan, the owners of your beloved EBT cards. May you and yours be the very first to be drafted in Hobama's World War III.

    Memo to the Bimbo Factions/Female and Male Hobama Girls:

    Hobama has never been that into you. He will never do you. Justice trumps jungle fever. Real bilking trumps fantasy presidential booty calls. Beware of the racial wage gap that will widen as layoffs loom. Massa Hobama's chains of poverty just got tighter. We know you get off on the pain.


    Memo to the young morons:

    May you reap what you have sown with massive interest. Holla back when you get those new student loan bills. They will be inside your Mamas' mailboxes.


    Memo to the First Beard Michelle:

    Please spare us your new jack Marie Antoinette antics! Tacky and callous are not a coordinated good look. See more in Prediction # 6 above.


    Memo to Oprah:

    Kudos for not being a dogged out sellout for Hobama again in 2012. But, I will never forgive you “The One” sin in 2008!


    Memo to Mitt:

    Kudos for making Hobama work for once in his red diapered pampered CIA life!!! You made him sweat over his second selection! Hobama's only job plan is eternal war. You do not have to be president to create real jobs. Best Wishes!

    Let me be clear:  99% of Americans will now suffer within the America that 50% of Americans voted for. Prepare for Hobama's Armageddon. FEMA camps will not be hotels. Stay tuned to the doom...


     politics OBAMA MUST GO!MLK dream PBO nightmare 




     Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years ExposedThe Rich And The Rest Of Us: A Poverty ManifestoRothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder AmericaThe Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War AbroadBlack Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma (English and English Edition)Why Obama's Government Takeover of Health Care Will Be a Disaster (Encounter Broadsides)

    The Price of the Ticket: Barack Obama and Rise and Decline of Black PoliticsAccountable: Making America as Good as Its PromisePresidential Perks Gone Royal: Your Taxes Are Being Used For Obama's Re-electionObamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses


    The Empire's New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of PowerGangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington ThugocracyBought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall StreetThe Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change PresidencyWhere's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President


     Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and CroniesBarack Obama is a Lying, Stupid, Big-Eared NaziDemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in GovernmentObama and the Crash of 2013 (Encounter Broadsides)





     MLK dream PBO nightmare



    Fiscal Cliff Diving




     The Untold History of the United StatesThe Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America

    Obama-Appointed Judges OK Obama's NDAA

    Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses

    Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall StreetThe Corruption Chronicles: Obama's Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big GovernmentHollywood HypocritesObama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My GenerationThat's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom: Team Obama's Assault on Tea-Party, Talk-Radio AmericansObama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate

    Post image for Michelle Obama’s Africa Trip Cost Revealed- Children Listed As Senior StaffersMLK dream PBO nightmareA Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream MediaThe Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying AmericaBarack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

    obamaBarack Obama cries

    "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday described re-elected US President Barack Obama as a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and said he expected his government to continue attacking the anti-secrecy website. 

    He added: "All of the activities against WikiLeaks by the United States have occurred under an Obama administration."

    "The re-election of Barack Obama coincides with the 899th day of Bradley Manning's confinement," Assange said.

    "Obama seems to be a nice man, and that is precisely the problem," the 41-year-old Australian said, after the president defeated Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday night to sweep back into the White House.

    "It's better to have a sheep in wolf's clothing than a wolf in sheep's clothing."

    See more reality checks on Hobama here ASAP:

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