September 11, 2010









    O. J. Simpson and his original team of amoral criminal attorneys redecorated his entire home as if they were decorating a stage for a Broadway play. In fact, they did that so expertly that, when the jury from his double murder trial took a tour of his home, they felt they were parading through the intimate castle of a pristine, afrocentric, family oriented, brotherman akin to Malcolm X.


    O. J. won that trial.


    Later, after the loss of the subsequent civil trial, O. J. and his posse of flunkies and fans decided to try a very similar scheme. Rather than pay Ron Goldman’s family with the sale of O.K’s actual possessions, they swiftly and chaotically replaced O. J.’s real property with discount replicas and cheap fabrications of genuine collectibles, as they strategically stashed the authentic items in their own various homes and storage lockers.


    O. J. won that ruthless ruse.


    Now, after more than decade of outrageous antics and brazen gloating, O. J.‘s legendary luck has finally run out. The same shady drones who helped him rob the Goldmans, began to rob O. J. of the very same stolen items.

    Thus is the beautiful and universal law of karma. What we reap, we sow. What one does to abuse others will always be done to them, by others who will abuse them even worse.


    O. J. robbed the Goldmans of nearly 33 million dollars. Now, O. J. might be robbed of 33 years of his freedom…


    O. J.’s karmic tab to date:










    O. J. conveniently failed to mention any details about his stolen property during his recent pathetic beg for mercy. Read all about those omitted details in: “How I Helped O. J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret, and Remorse” by Mike Gilbert.


    Congrats to the Goldman family! Justice delayed is still justice…








    I am admittedly obsessed with the fact that O. J. Simpson got away with double murder. So, of course, I could not wait to read "How I Helped O. J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret, and Remorse" by Mike Gilbert. I refused to purchase this confession of amorality and avarice. So, I patiently waited for an advance reserved copy from my local library. It was well worth the wait.


    This book is admirably brave and brutally honest. It illustrates the perils of hero worship and hedonism, guilt and gullibility, passion and pain, remorse and redemption, blood ties, and bloody hands. It is the most intimate and introspective of all of the books penned to date about these legendary and lucrative murders.


    Gilbert takes us deep inside the living rooms and lounges of O. J.'s codependent and worshipful inner circle. We see the remorseless monster behind the mask that is O. J. the celebrity. It is filled with pitiful passions and pathologies.


    This book does not seek absolution. It reads as a cathartic and superior accounting of collective sins. It details shameless masquerades of innocence and injury. At best, it is a sincere, though belated, discovery of morality and remorse. At worst, it self-righteously condemns countless other fans and friends of O.J., who are still blinded by denial and devoid of similarly belated consciences. Gilbert has proven that he is not as amoral as he is imperfect.


    This book is a page turner. It succinctly recaps the best evidence against O. J. It reads like a diary of a fallen hero. It brings us into the center of O. J.'s private hell, beneath the gloss of his public bliss.


    This book is a perfect summer read. It is steamy with the gossip it confirms. Here are a few excerpts from "How I Helped O. J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret, and Remorse":


    "...we put our hands up to either side of the glass. I looked down at his hands, where I saw a big swollen gash on the middle finger of his left hand. It was macabre.


    Marcus [Allen] clearly believed that O. J. was guilty. He told me once, "Mike O.J. couldn't look me in the eye"


    [O.J. said,] "Check Taurus. Does it say: Hey, I'm dead?" I could not believe he had said that. Nicole was a Taurus...That's not what you'd expect to hear from a man talking about the love of his life. But the true love of O. J.'s life was O. J. 


    It turns out that O. J. was on Prozac. It is called a disassociative state. It is the state that people enter right before a gruesome eruption of violence. 


     ...we knew that the blood could easily have saturated three surfaces of the sock when O. J. took it off, or if he had stepped on it after he had taken it off. 


    [Mark Fuhrman] is a good cop Mike", O. J. said. "This is a damn good cop. And he is a good witness." 


    There had been a few times when we were traveling together when O. J. forgot his arthritis medicine and his hands, especially his knuckles, would get huge from swelling. 


    When it came time for the jury to walk through Rockingham, the place had already been refurbished as if by magic elves, to influence the jury. It was like changing the set of a play. 


    [After the civil trial] the game plan was to move as much as we could, hide as much as we could, and replace that which could be replaced. 


    It took me years to realize that [O. J.] has no empathy for any other human being. 


    O.J.'s] girlfriend, Christie Prody - a young woman with insatiable appetites for drugs, sex, threesomes, and trouble - was always in the middle of the various schemes. Christie was and is [O. J's] partner in debauchery. Since the night of the murders, O. J.'s current girlfriend Christie Prody has dialed 911 on at least two occasions, and even his and Nicole's daughter Sydney has dialed 911 because of him. 

  belief is that if it weren't for Marcus Allen's relationship with Nicole, June 12 would have come and gone like any other summer night in Brentwood, and that Nicole and Ron would still be alive." 








    I have never been a fan of O.J. Simpson. After the murders of Nicole Brown and

    Ron Goldman, I hate O. J. even more than I did before. I truly believe that he is a

    murderer. I have penned many columns stating so. 


    Since this ugly bloody saga began, I have received an endless and amusing stream

    of hate mail. This mail has been sent by blind and rabid football fans; misogynist fools who think that husbands have the right to slay wives who dare to act like those husbands do; dreamers who think that O.J. is suddenly a “brother man” because he bought a rich white man’s justice in court; and assorted other idiots. These loyal O. J. fans do not care that O. J. could not care less about them or me.


    Despite the various controversial topics which I regularly address in these columns, many one-dimensional morons can read nothing except what I have penned about O. J. So...this column is dedicated to all who love O.J. unconditionally.


    Even though he does not deserve that love. Even though(unlike Mumia Abu Jamal, who has been exiled to Pennsylvania’s death row, because he gave his life to Blacks as a journalist devoted to exposing racist police brutality) O.J. has never done one damned thing for the Blacks who worship him. And, he never will. O.J. barely eventook time to say “Thank you” before he ran back to any stray whites who would tolerate his evil presence without his former gloss.   


    I dare to love everyone conditionally, even rich handsome psycho celebrities. I dare to blaspheme a grid iron God by admitting that he is a eurocentric, lying, delusional, whoring, woman beating, double murderer. Unlike those who are less daring and less literate, I have actually studied the mountains of evidence against O. J. It is solid evidence,  which the grossly and legendarily inept  prosecutors failed to present to the criminal trial jurors.


    It is the same evidence which was presented by superior litigators in the civil trial. Had the criminal trial been conducted as expertly as the civil trial, O.J. would be on death row; where, unlike political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, O.J. actually belongs.


    O.J. has never acted like an innocent man. He has never grieved, or thanked a hero named Ron Goldman for attempting to save Nicole’s life, or searched for the real killers. In fact, he sounds guiltier daily. In a recent  televised interview at MSNBC, Simpson recently agreed with a reporter who stated that a man who murdered his wife, and left her corpse to be discovered by her sleeping children, was unfit to raise those children. O. J. stated: 


    “I would have to agree with them on that...To me to commit murder is an unfit thing to do. There are circumstances...where relatively good people have done it and it unfortunately punctuated their entire life.

    I do recognize that a situation like that can happen...Whatever they decide about me when they are adults, they will have a solid base to work from...I don’t try to preach to them about what happened that night at all. I’ll let them make their own decisions.”


    By his own admission, O.J. is an unfit father. However, as the custody battle wages on, it may be the only time I extend him any empathy. Only because I do think it is possible to be a toxic spouse and a good parent, simultaneously. I think it is possible to passionately hate the parent of your children, but passionately love those same children. As these children have white blood, I am certain that O. J. does adore them. As he has damaged them by murdering their mother, perhaps he can somehow repair them, by atoning to them as a superior parent in the future.


    The following quotes are taken from several excellent books about the murders. They reveal O. J.’s evil and guilt. I hope that everyone will read each of these works in their entirety. I am certain that I have never received any hate mail from anyone who has actually studied these sloppy murder cases...


    "Triumph of Justice-The Final Judgment On The Simpson Saga"

    by Daniel Petrocelli:


    "We had the Bruno Magli shoes with the identical sole. Simpson’s white Ford Bronco, parked outside his house, contained not only Simpson’s blood but Ron’s and Nicole’s and a shoe impression, consistent with the Bruno Magli, stained the carpet on the driver’s side. A trail of Simpson’s blood was dropped up his driveway, into his house, and up to his bedroom. Planting of that blood was out of the question, because just like the blood at the murder scene, it was found long before police investigators had taken any blood from Simpson’s arm. Simpson had cuts all over his hands the day after the murders but had no explanation for how he got them.


    Simpson had a key to the murder scene and, therefore, access to the murder site.


    Simpson cut himself while killing his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. When he realized he had to come back from Chicago with an explanation for the gashes on his fingers, he looked around, saw the drinking glass in the hotel bathroom and broke it. He squeezed a little blood on a hand towel, and left it on the counter to be seen.

    He left shards of the glass on the counter and in the sink. He staged all of this, to camouflage his guilt.

    Simpson supposedly broke the glass while he was on the phone, but that was proving difficult to do. There was no phone in the bathroom. The phone was bedside. Berns found a blood spot in the center of the [hotel] bedding...

    Supposedly, Simpson cut himself while sweeping the broken glass into the sink. Backhanded. Simpson is right handed, but the scar is on the knuckle of his left hand.

     ..Simpson had ordered his calls held and that he not be disturbed when he arrived [at his hotel in Chicago]. Two laundry bags, which had just been placed in the room, were missing. On the way out, Simpson had made a scene, banging on the front desk demanding a Band-Aid. This was uncustomarily loud and angry behavior for Simpson who was known for never losing his cool in public. He was clearly trying to make people notice his cut; the one he’d just gotten from a glass that broke.


    In his deposition, Simpson said he had changed clothes in his hotel and put on the black pants and white shirt...However, both Raymond Kilduff...and Mark Partridge, the passenger who sat next to him on the flight to Los Angeles, had testified...that they saw him wearing a blue jean outfit...


    Partridge said...Simpson told him Nicole and a man had been killed and that they had been found in the garden ...Simpson had not been told all this information as of the time he was revealing it...There was no way Simpson could have had this information except from firsthand knowledge.


    Beverly De Teresa was the first-class flight attendant on Simpson’s red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Chicago the night of the murders...She remembered Simpson going in and out of the lavatory about 10 times, once every 15 minutes...she never heard the toilet flush...My interpretation is that Simpson’s finger was bleeding and he was continually cleaning the cut with water...Simpson may have been drying his finger on the inside of his blue jeans pocket or stuffing bits of paper in his pockets, which would account for the change of clothes... 


    ...on June of around 7:00PM on the night of the murders, Simpson had no fingernail marks on his left hand....On June 13...there were gouges visible...


    Simpson was able to hide some of the cuts...between his fingers, which he never showed to anybody....He keeps his fingers together and he hid the one inside the fourth finger...These are fingernail gouges...The last person to put his fingers there was either Ron or Nicole, as they struggled, as they were dying.


    What we do know is the garment bag went to Kardashian’s house, where Simpson stayed for most of the week leading up to his arrest. It remained there for months before finally being brought to the courthouse-empty.


    One image seared into my mind was of Kardashian’s face when the criminal verdictwas read. At the moment of decision...Simpson wore an awkwardly pained smile...But Kardashian wore his feelings on his face...His was a look of pure unadulterated astonishment.


    There is no good reason why a man whose ex-wife has just been murdered, who hasn’t yet seen his grieving children, is going to drive to Los Angeles International Airport to get his golf clubs...Simpson was tracking his golf bag, he wanted to get it before the police got it. O. J. isn’t a man who runs out to the airport to pick up his bags, he has them delivered...There was something about the golf bag on which Simpson was fixated, and it wasn’t the golf clubs.


    After Simpson left, someone else was in that house...That someone might have been Arnelle, and if it wasn’t Arnelle, she may know who it was. Why otherwise wouldshe have created the fiction about her journey to the front door?...The police found a load of wet laundry in Simpson’s washing machine, apparently including some of Arnelle’s underwear...Simpson didn’t do the laundry that night or any night. So who did this load of laundry? Why was it still in the machine?...It’s not impossible to surmise that, in the dark, they might have missed the few small blood drops that were still there when the police entered early in the morning, or dropped something, like socks on a carpet.


    Bodziak was able to blow up the photo and actually see the Silga sole treads, the same pattern as the bloody footprints leading down the foot path, away from Nicole’s and Ron’s bodies. The photograph also clearly showed that Simpson was pigeon-toed, the bloody footprints were pigeon-toed as well.


    The crime scene was swimming in blood. How did Fuhrman know whose blood itwas?...What if Simpson had an airtight alibi? Fuhrman was sleeping when the copscaught the call. 


    The blood found at the Bundy scene was either the victims’ or O. J. Simpson’s. No one else’s blood was there...We showed that all the crime scene blood samples had been collected before Simpson returned from Chicago.


    Simpson had an extra-wide palm but not long fingers. It was easy for a person with such a hand to make a glove look like it didn’t fit...Simpson denied Nicole had bought the gloves for him, even though we had her sales receipt.


    Dr. Spitz spoke readily “I think the slashing of the throat was the terminal event. I think the entire scenario from the first wound to the last, was last than 15 seconds.”


    ...the type of shoe worn by the killer...there were only 299 pairs of these shoes, size 12, sold in the United States.


    Between 9:35 PM and 10:55 PM on Sunday June 12, there is not a single living human being who can identify that they saw or spoke to [Simpson]...


    Allan Park had established conclusively that the Bronco was not at Rockingham at 10:03 PM. Therefore, if Simpson was in the Bronco, he was not at home....If he wasnot at home at 10:03 PM, he was committing the murders...The physical evidence put him at the scene and he had no other explanation for his whereabouts...If Simpson called Paula from the Bronco, Simpson killed Nicole and Ron.


    Petee established that the drive time between Nicole’s condo and Simpson’s estate was anywhere from 4 minutes 3 seconds to 5 minutes 35 seconds. There wassufficient time to commit the murders at 10:40PM, hastily leave the scene, drive toRockingham, and bump into Kato’s wall at 10:50,10:51...


    Juditha Brown told of her conversation with Simpson on May 19, 1994, Nicole’s birthday. “He said, ‘She may not love me anymore.’ And I said, ‘Well then go on with your life.’ And he said, ‘I tell you, the first time when she left me, I take the blame; it was my fault. But the second time, it’s gonna hurt.”..Judy recalled her final moments at her daughter’s coffin. Simpson said, “Couldyou move? Could you move? I have to be alone.” And I heard him say “I’m so sorry Nic. I’m so sorry....”


    Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O. J. Simpson Got Away With Murder

    By Vincent Bugliosi:


    "The killer’s bloody shoe print had already faded out by the time he reached the alleyway at Bundy.


    ..when a person is stabbed in the front of his or her body, the blood of the victim is only likely to get on the assailant if the assailant is in front of the victim...and thereis no clothing covering the body in the vicinity of the wound...The killer was behindNicole when he slashed her throat...under no circumstances would the killer be likely to “get blood on his back, which is where he is going to be in contact with the seat of the Bronco.”


    Within minutes of these murders, there is blood all over O. J.’s car, house and estate. And, he says he has absolutely no idea how he got cut.


    Andrea Mozzola also conducted a....test on a long thick wire the Simpson estate...where the bloody glove was found. It too came up positive for blood....Henry Lee saw a red stain on the air conditioner...the stain produced a positive for blood....Fung: “We didn’t even bother to check the leaves”. 


    Contamination could only decrease, not increase, the likelihood of a DNA match.


    The vicious knife thrusts were born out of angry and wild passion, not just an intent to get a job done for some third party.


    Jim Brown, remarked on television, that everyone knew Simpson had a cocaine problem.


    The language of the “suicide note” reeks with guilt.


    Simpson also supposedly told his mother, “It was all her fault Ma...”


    The receipts for the disguise materials are dated May 27, 1994...just over two weeks prior to the murders...Simpson himself, in his autobiography,  “O. J. The Education Of A Rich Rookie”, said about his celebrity, “I loved it when people recognized me on the street.”


    ...Simpson had been black in color only...with all Simpson’s wealth and connections, he had never helped the black community, even when requested to do so...One should note that the very thick lower lip of Simpson’s early years no longerexists...O.J. would need a road map to get to the hood..  


    Even if the police were to frame a black man, Simpson would have been one of thelast black men on earth they would have framed. 


    ...Simpson had seven cuts, scrapes and bruises on his left hand. 


    ...while Simpson was shadow boxing on the tape, he twice made unscripted remarks which many feel implied he beat his wife... "You just gotta get your space...if you are working out with the wife...if you know what I mean. You could always blame it on working out."


    The prosecution of O. J. Simpson was the most incompetent criminal prosecution I have ever seen...The reality is that the two prosecutors could hardly have been any worse...It was only the greater incompetence of the prosecution that saved Cochran, Shapiro, Bailey, and Scheck, et. al, from defeat.


    So the only case we know of for sure in which Mark Fuhrman engaged in serious police misconduct reached the desk of  [Johnnie Cochran, Assistant District Attorney, 1978]...and [Johnnie] passed.


    The experts have weighed with their views on the injurious impact upon blacks of the Simpson verdict...So Johnnie Cochran, instead of being viewed as a hero, should be judged by them for what he did-cynically and blatantly use and exploit them to their very serious detriment..."


    "Post Mortem: The O. J. Simpson Case"

    edited by Jeffrey Abramson -“Obsessed With O. J.” by Michael Eric Dyson:


    "O. J. apparently belongs to that fraternity of black men who “have-to-have-a-white-woman-at-all-costs.” There’s a difference, after all, between preference and obsession.


    Most black men charged with a capitol crime have little money to seek responsible representation. Most do not count the police as their friends, lackeys even. Nor do they have the use of fame as a powerful deterrent to their conviction.


    For many black men and women, the problem of domestic violence in the Simpson case was subordinated to race...the denial was achieved by insisting that Nicole was “trash”, that she was sexually loose, that she was a party girl who played O. J. for material gain...It still does not justify O. J.’s brutal beating of Nicole. Nor should it have cost her her life. After all, O. J. was extraordinarily promiscuous, a man of enormous appetites for varied substances, and beneath the public sheen of class, a brazen bully of women. O. J. and Nicole equally embodied the ugly lives of pretty people.


    Plus, sisters, when O. J. walked, he didn’t come for you. Does he, or any black man who doesn’t display the utmost respect and admiration for black women, really merit such profound loyalty?


    Why is it that some black people spend so much energy denying the impact of race on their lives, only to embrace it when their backs are against the wall? Clarence Thomas employed this ruse...The same may be said about O. J. He always aspired to get beyond race, to be neither white nor black, to be human...There is no such thing as being black and not already being a human being. The two are not diametrically opposed.


    The irony is that Nicole Brown Simpson benefited from the public face of O. J.’s acceptable aggression-a luxurious lifestyle as the wife of a sports star-but its private expression may have killed her.


    In this case...race ruled, gender disappeared, and justice was exiled to the Island of Ambiguity.


    Domestic violence against women is a concealed epidemic in black communities. Itneeds to be exposed.


    Only when we begin to see how race, gender, domestic violence and money are intimately bound will light begin to appear at the end of out collective tunnel."


    "I’m Not Dancing Anymore: O. J. Simpson’s Niece Breaks the Silence"

    by Terri Baker: 


    "Uncle O. J. had bought Grandma a house when he started making money, but otherwise we were pretty much on our own financially.


    Somehow Uncle O. J. set up a deal to put Grandma in one of his commercials...What did Uncle O. J. need with the extra money?...I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t just let Grandma keep the whole fee...


    At Christmas time, the family would get Honey Baked hams...


    Like Uncle O. J., Marcus Allen definitely preferred white women... I always suspected Marcus wanted everything Uncle O. J. had-including Nicole...We all knew Marcus had an affair with Nicole...


    I kept looking at Uncle O. J. and thinking "Why isn’t he overcome with grief?"...I wondered why he was talking about himself, instead of talking about what might have happened, who might have killed Nicole.


    Why wasn’t Uncle O. J. offering to help with airfare?...The family couldn’t begin to afford a hotel...Uncle O. J.’s large bedroom and bath were kept locked at all times. Only Paula Barbieri was ever allowed to sleep in there...My VW was too small to fit everyone in...Uncle O.J’s Bentley was sitting gathering dust in the garage...


    Uncle O. J. did not attend [Johnnie Cochran’s homecoming party for him].


    I knew perfectly well that Uncle O. J. was still a powerful man [despite his



    Ron Shipp looked at Uncle O. J. and said “This is sad...” As Ron left the stand and walked by Uncle O. J., he looked right at him and mouthed ‘Tell the truth man...Tell the truth.”


    Uncle O. J. had cuts on his left hand the next day...How to explain away all the blood evidence? 


    How many things can you write off to a conspiracy? This would have to be a reallyelaborate plot.


    I thought back to the day when dad and I had gone by the murder scene...We had seen blood on the back gate that day...


    The DNA was crucial...the DNA did not lie...We were all in denial. Even if they did carry around a vial of Uncle O. J.’s blood, how would they have planted Ron’s? They didn’t carry his around...


    On this day, the autopsy photos were going to be shown...At one point, Uncle O.J. leaned over to Bob Kardashian and asked him to lean forward and block the TVcamera from zooming in on his face...


    If I had a latex glove on and tried to put another glove on top of that, it probably wouldn’t fit either...This was the glove that had grabbed Nicole’s hair, that she had bled on. Some of her hair was still embedded in it. This was the glove the murderer had worn...Why wasn’t anyone wondering about Uncle O. J.’s demeanor? Putting the gloves on didn’t seem to bother him...For him, there was no apparent emotion attached to doing it... 


    I asked Uncle O. J. about the fibers later. He didn’t have an answer.


    I had heard that Johnnie had arranged for two out-of-town lawyers to cross examineUncle O. J. in jail...It had been a disaster.


    It was like Elvis at Graceland...Uncle O. J. sending his assistants out to the gate forthe pick of the litter among the coeds gathered there...


    All through the trial, we had discussed gathering together to go on vacation tocelebrate as a family. But, it never happened. Instead, Uncle O. J. chartered a plane so he could fly his buddies to Florida for a round of golf.


    I have a lot of gay friends and was old enough to recognize my grandfather’s lifestyle...I never got to talk to him about it, to tell him I loved him remains one of my biggest regrets. 


    Bob Kardashian...had recently expressed public doubts about Uncle O. J.’s innocence.


    Kato also said that on the day of the murders, Uncle O.J. was angry at Nicole, and that he said she was playing “hardball” with him...Kato also testified that Uncle O. J. owned a dark sweat suit...


    Uncle O. J.’s testimony had so many holes in it...He was so used to people accepting whatever he said that he’d lost touch with how incredible this sounded.


    A. C. testified that there was violence in [O. J. and Nicole’s] relationship....I remembered A. C.’s grief when Nicole died..."



    "American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the Simpson Defense"

    by Lawrence Schiller:


    "O. J. Simpson had no romantic life on the night Nicole was murdered. Simpson’s phone bill showed that he’d called former Raider cheerleader Gretchen Stockdale that same afternoon: “Uh, hey, Gretchen, sweetheart, it’s Orenthal James, who is finally at a place in his life where he is like totally, totally, unattached with everybody...”


    [RE: O. J.’s failed polygraph test] Minus 22 means Simpson failed virtually all of the questions about the murders."


    "Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted"

    by Faye D. Resnick with Mike Walker 


    "O. J.: “Faye, if she’s going to leave me, tell me now...I can’t take it...I won’t come back and have the bomb dropped on me...It’ll make me crazy...If she’s really serious about this and I find out she’s with any other man before August, I’ll kill her. I mean it. I’ll kill that bitch.”


    Nicole: “I thought O.J. would change when I became pregnant with Justin, but he didn’t. He continued his affair with Tawny Kitaen and he would come home and beat me if I confronted him about it...O. J. started beating me, kicking me, punching me. He hit me so hard once I thought I was going blind. He picked me up, took me to a closet, threw me inside, and locked the door...For hours, O. J. would watch TV then come back, open the door, hit me some more, then lock me up again...


    O. J. has done a lot for my family. They love him. I’m not saying they don’t love me...They just love him more....So that’s my choice Faye. I think he’ll kill me if I stay with him, so if he’s going to kill me because I’m leaving, I might as well face it now...


    O. J. takes off for New York in August. He’s usually there four or five he wants me to stay away from men until he goes to New York. Then he’ll start screwing everything in sight.”


    O.J.: “I want Nicole to be in as much pain as possible, Without me, she’s nothing. Let her live in reality a while so she’ll appreciate how good she had it with me.”


    Nicole: “ O. J., that IRS letter  you sent me proved, like nothing else could, that you have no interest in your children...*uck off!. Get away from us! Get out of my life! You’re not welcome in the family anymore....I never ever want to see you again...Get the *uck away from me. And don’t ever call me again. You are one sick individual.” 


    Nicole told me O. J. exploded. He turned on her like  a man possessed. He threatened her saying “If you’re ever with Marcus again, I’ll...I don’t know what I’ll do, but it will be real bad. I won’t be able to control myself.”


    In the dimness of the church, O. J. was wearing dark glasses. He proceeded past Nicole’s casket as if her were sleepwalking. He appeared to be heavily drugged...the press later revealed that he was under sedation....Faye: “O. J., whathappened?”...O.J.: “, out of all of them, knew that I loved her too much.”


    ...the adoration of “50 million women” wasn’t enough. He had that weak spot forthe one woman who dared to walk out on him-and was about to do it again...


    O. J.’s tempers were truly terrifying. Nicole said he was doing a lot of cocaine. He was certainly drinking heavily.


    Just because this was O. J. Simpson, he was going to get away with being drunk and threatening...the policeman was oblivious to that contorted mask of fury.


    That’s how O. J. got away with what the world now knows as continual savage abuse. Nicole rarely talked about it.


    Nicole hated the Hollywood scene. It fed

    O. J.’s secret and egocentric view that she was inadequate, and it gave him a made to order excuse to womanize.


    ...which relates to O. J.’s hatred of Nicole getting fat during pregnancy...she’d had six abortions because she didn’t want another child with O. J...a testimony to her devotion and her fear of him.


    It had been one of those evenings when O. J. hid in the bushes and spied on her. He’d been doing that almost from the first day of their separation...O. J. watched through the living room window as Nicole performed oral sex on Keith...


    What people forget is that O. J. had been charged with battery...So from 1989-1992, Nicole sometimes had the power...That’s probably why Nicole was able to stop him from doing violence to Keith.


    Now I was nervous, O. J. was actually stalking Nicole...Nicole: “Damn Faye, the keys are gone. And the remote’s gone. O. J.’s got them!”


    Here’s the truth about O. J. and his children: Once Nicole left he rarely saw them. The kids also served as O. J.’s made to order tool for manipulation.


    Nicole told me Sydney had a sleepwalking problem. Nicole believed it was because Sydney’s bedroom was right next to her parents and she heard the beatings...Little Justin was too young to know what was going on, but it’s sad to think that here’s a little boy whose daddy was a sports superstar, and yet...O. J. rarely played catch or Frisbee or wrestled in the grass or on the floor with his own son.


    Marcus and A. C. were O. J.’s only black friends. If you looked at most of O. J.’s pals, they were older, affluent, white Jewish men.


    O. J. seemed to hate being black...and avoided any real connection with the black community...Before they met, O. J. had made it a point to be seen with as many beautiful women as possible, and it was generally understood that only whites need apply. His flirtations and affairs while he was married to Nicole, as well as during their separation, invariably were with women who...definitely were a lighter shadeof pale....Nicole was in O. J.’s words “angel white”.


    But it was unacceptable to O. J. for anybody to even look at Nic. Although she was his ex-wife, he still treated her like his possession. Nobody touched Nicole. Nicole moved to Bundy to be near her friends and the children’s school, not O. J.


    O. J. was genuinely astounded at being questioned. As his rage mounted, he would turn the blame around and condemn Nicole for getting him angry, totally bypassing the issue of how he had wronged her.


    Nicole enjoyed, actually needed, sex...It was also Nic’s way to escape from pain. Men were her drug of choice..."




    "I Want To Tell You" by O. J. Simpson 


    "I was shocked when Nicole asked for a separation...


    I was so close to Judy that I talked to her more than  Nicole did...I thought about writing to Judy but I can’t.


    Nicole loved my father...In many ways Nicole’s relationship with my dad was probably better than my relationship with my dad.


    I don’t play O. J. when I’m on TV. I’m always me.


    If I didn’t have some money, I would have no chance at all.


    Spousal abuse will be an issue at my trial and, therefore, I can’t discuss it in thesepages.


    Despite some mixed blood here and there, as a kid I looked upon myself as just being black...When I was young I remember looking at all these great black women and seeing that they were with white guys. Diana Ross, Pearl Bailey, Lena Horne, and Leslie Uggams all seemed to be with white guys.


    We never talked about our kids being interracial...Sydney was so unusual looking...beautiful bronze skin with blond hair...I would say to Sydney” You’re the best of Mommy and Daddy.”



    "Murder in Brentwood" by Mark Fuhrman   


    "[The prosecution] knew they had more than enough evidence to convict, and thus became self-righteous and picky about what they presented 


    The blood evidence in this case is total and absolute incrimination of O. J. Simpson. Not one particle of blood points to anyone other than Simpson and the two victims. ..The one place where Simpson’s blood is absent of either victims is on the driver’s door interior surface and on the instrument panel-he had to turn on the headlights...his left hand is bleeding. 


    Considering the position of Nicole’s body, slumped on the steps...when Goldman would have first approached her, Nicole’s hair would have come in direct contact with his body. But Ron’s hair would not come in contact with hers...The dress fibers and the 25 hairs from Nicole show me that Ron had contact with Nicole physically, no matter how slight, before Simpson engaged him in a battle for his life.


    Brad: “Where your wife was killed, there was a blood trail...and that blood trail led here.”...At this point, Simpson stopped asking questions. he broke into a sweat andbegan hyperventilating. he just kept muttering “Oh man, oh man, oh man...”


    The physical evidence on those gloves connects them irrefutably as the right and left hand of the murderer...Simpson’s own doctor testified that the defendant had seven abrasions and three cuts on his left hand. A left handed glove was found at the Bundy scene...Simpson’s right hand did not have any cuts or abrasions. A right handed glove was found at Rockingham.


    While Park was trying to ring him, Simpson was at the murder scene.


    Simpson was emphatic that he didn’t want Kato to call the police or Westec.


    ...the “suicide note” was written on June 15th, not the 17th, when he took off with Al Cowlings. before he was even charged, O. J. Simpson knew he was going to jail.


    Simpson has a narcissistic, possessive, jealous personality. He was obsessed with Nicole. That obsession resulted in beatings, stalking, spying, harassment, and ultimately murder. These are documented facts...


    Ron: “I have been seeing a 35 year old woman who has two kids. She has a white Ferrari. She’s really nice...[The sex] is great!”...There was one person who would be outraged at the fact that Nicole had chosen a mere waiter to replace him in bed, and that was O. J. Simpson.


    Nicole came home with two small children. She put the ice cream down on the stair railing to pick up one of the kids, and she never returned to pick it up."




    "Kato Kaelin: The Whole Truth: The Real Story of O.J., Nicole

    & Kato: From The Actual Tapes" by Marc Eliot:


    "O. J. told me that he didn’t love Paula and had no intention of ever marrying her...


    O. J. told Kato on several occasions that he wasn’t into black women.


    Nicole had failed to save a seat for O. J...He was not included and it upset him... He had also complained to Kato about what Nicole had worn to the recital...


    I never saw O. J. go in the house and kept wondering to myself why he didn’t...The entire night, I kept having the feeling that something was not right.


    On at least a half-dozen occasions, off tape, Kato told me he believed O. J. had killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman and probably had help doing it. Further, he expressed fear of a freed O. J. revenging his testimonial betrayal at the hands of Brian Kato Kaelin...


    O. J.’s mother...repeatedly had to go to the bathroom and vomit.


    There is a secret entrance to exit O. J.’s house that, to this day, very few people even know exists.


    Robert Shapiro thought O. J. was guilty.


    One horrible day, O. J.’s daughter accidentally drowned...[Nicole said] O. J. made love to her that same night.


    Nicole to Kato: “O. J. told me he videotaped me making love in my bedroom with someone one time...I’m sure O. J. is going to kill me one day...You don’t know him Kato...O. J. Simpson can get away with murder...”


    One time O. J. had picked up a woman, snuck her into the Rockingham estate, brought her into one of the guest houses, and made love to her. Nicole caught him in the act, and his reaction was, hey, no big deal.


    Nicole was noticeably absent from Marcus Allen’s wedding ceremony and reception.


    Sydney developed a habit of sleepwalking. Often, she would get up early in the evening, looking completely asleep, go to the refrigerator, reach for some ice cream, put it down on the table, and go back to bed."



    "The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson" by Jeffrey Tobin:


    "In the entry in her diary for June 3, Nicole quoted the exact words of O. J.’s threats: “...You’re gonna pay for this bitch...You’re going to jail you fuc*ing *unt ..You’ve got it coming...They’ll get you for tax evasion bitch.. I will see to it. You’re notgoing to have a dime left bitch...”


    June 7, Nicole also telephoned the Sojourn Shelter for battered women in Santa Monica to report she was being stalked by O. J. 


    O. J. didn’t marry Nicole until she was pregnant with Sydney in 1985. Simpson philandered compulsively, both before and after he met Nicole in 1977...Nicole had already moved into the Rockingham house when the divorce from Marguerite became final two years later...


    Simpson portrays himself as an unjustly accused murderer, but his letter does not even request the police to locate the “real” killer of his ex-wife and her friend.


    ...after receiving the initial notification call from Phillips, Simpson made 48 calls from his cellular phone, between 6:41 AM and 11:25 AM. No fewer than 18 went to his personal attorney Skip Taft.


    Among his findings:

    -Hair in the blue knit cap found near Goldman’s feet matched Simpson’s hair..

    -Hair found on Ron Goldman’s shirt matched Simpson’s hair

    -Blue-Black cotton fibers were found on the Rockingham glove, the socks in Simpson’s bedroom, and Goldman’s shirt


    Heidstra said that he was walking in an alleyway paralleled to Bundy at about 10:40 PM on June 12, 1994. At that time, he said he heard a commotion in the area of Nicole’s condominium...Two voices, one clear, saying “Hey, Hey, Hey!” and the  other indistinct. He heard the very angry screaming of an older man who sounded black.


    O. J.: “It’s just so ironic that my wife’s biggest fear in life is frogs, and I’ve ended up starring in a TV series called The Frogman....”



    "Evidence Dismissed -The Inside Story of the Police Investigation of O. J.

    Simpson" by Detectives Tom Lange and Phillip Vannatter:


    "This is a rage killing.


    Nicole is wearing no shoes. However, the bottoms of her feet are clean. From this, Lange deduces that she had been struck down before the probable fight between the killer and the unidentified male, and died where she fell, never stepping into anyone’s blood, not even her own.


    ..a head hair consistent with Simpson’s hair was found on Goldman’s shirt.


    Before killing Goldman, the killer tortured him with his knife...


    ...Goldman, attempting to ward off his assailant, might have kicked into the killers knife at least twice, which could account for the slices in his boots.


    Both victims had been hit in the back of the head...The blood found on the bottom of Goldman’s boot was a mixture of blood from both victims, indicating that it was castoff blood from the same knife....


    Lange sees a small light bulb, which is loose and rolling around under the area where the passenger seat has been...Simpson might have reached for the bulb under the passenger seat after the killings, rubbing his bloody clothes up against the seat and the console.


    Heidstra also saw a car that resembled a white Bronco, speeding away from the crime scene...


    Jill Shively observed Simpson lean out of the open driver’s door window and yell at the driver of the Nissan...Simpson drove northbound on Bundy at a high rate of speed...She specifically remembers that this all occurred just before 11:00 PM


    All of the evidence found in Simpson and Cowling’s possession after the Bronco chase included Simpson’s passport, disguise, gun and money.


    Simpson had purchased a German made “stiletto” folding knife, 15 inches long when fully extended, with a 6 inch blade...He bought the knife on May 3...Simpson asked a clerk to have the knife sharpened.


    Simpson had said that he had last driven the Bronco “in the morning, in the afternoon”.


    Simpson would state that he wasn’t aware that Barbieri had left a message earlier that morning, ending their relationship.


    Simpson begins to give varying versions about how he cut the middle finger of his left hand.


    A blow-up photograph of Simpson with his daughter taken at the recital shows that he was not wearing “tennis shoes”.


    Simpson to Lange: “Hey, you’ve been a good guy to me...I’m the only one who deserves...”


    The officers on the scene let O. J. run off into the night...Ron Shipp implored Nicole to leave O. J.’s precious “image” intact....the only conspiracy: the one to help O. J. Simpson escape prosecution for beating his wife in 1989.


    Nearly 20 years earlier...the screaming woman was Marguerite Simpson, who refused to press charges...At that time a batterer could not be arrested unless the victim filed a formal complaint..."




    "O. J.: The Last Word" by Gerry Spence


    "Shapiro: “O. J. is a pain in the ass...Needs coddling all the time...I wouldn’t want a white man on my jury. At least not one with a small penis...”


    O. J. wanted me...Shapiro and the others prevailed upon Simpson to put aside his infatuation with Spence, and Cochran was hired officially on Monday, July 18. 


    Johnnie Cochran did not win this case. It was lost by the prosecution.


    Ron Goldman had been seen driving around in Nicole’s white Ferrari. Ron had told friends that he had been seeing a 35 year old woman who had two kids.


    Jennifer Peace, a porn star who had dated A. C. Cowlings claimed that Cowlings had wept on one of their dates, saying that Nicole didn’t deserve what she got... and that just two nights before the murders, Simpson had been stalking Ron Goldman.


    Kelly believes that on that Sunday night, the murder weapon and the murderer’s bloody clothes were simply dropped in the neighbor’s garbage can, where Simpson had previously deposited the “jewelry box “ early on Jan 1, 1989. 


    Had Simpson reverted to the role of Bullfrog?...Did it get confused in the dark, endless corridors of his mind?...In the mind of a man who had lost his hook to reality, who was swinging loosely, back and forth, on the thin rope of madness, one scene was easily transferable to the other...He had done it all before...


    Orenthal James Simpson is a murderer." 



    "The Other Woman: My Years with O. J. Simpson-A Story of Love, Trust, and Betrayal" by Paula Barbieri:


    “He killed them didn’t he!!” I burst out to Tom. Now my conflict was an open wound.


    Then [O. J.] asked me a question, “What happened to the messages I left you last night?”. “I erased them” I said. “Good”, he said, “I don’t need them to start picking on that too...”


    Had I done something to set off this terrible chain of events?


    O.J.’s rage had scared me once or twice...I’d seen him go berserk in a hotel room...


    I picked up the Bronco’s cell phone and started to dial a car service. O. J. grabbed the phone and knocked it out of my hand, hurting me.


    When the letter talked about Nicole, it really hurt me to hear the obvious- that O. J. still loved her, and that he’d hoped they’d have a future.


    It was as if, O. J. said, he’d kept trying to buy his wife’s love and approval. Not just with gifts and vacations, but by supporting her entire family. He’d bought and bought until their romance had turned into a transaction. Until their marriage was a commodity. An empty shell.


    Watching “My Fair Lady” with O. J. was a multimedia experience. He knew most of the dialogue by heart, and all of the songs, and he sang along with each one of them.


    What was my first impression? With his big head and long fingers and skinny body, O. J. Simpson reminded me of ET, the extraterrestrial. I’m not saying he 

    wasn ’t handsome; he would have been one of the more attractive aliens on a Star Wars set....But mostly, I felt sorry for him. Beneath O. J.’s bravado, I sensed a person in pain...As far as I was concerned, O. J. Simpson was just a lonely friend of Marcus




    "Raging Heart: The Intimate Story of O. J. and Nicole Brown Simpson" by Sheila Weller:


    "Marcus was a younger better O. J....Could there be a more pointed insult?


    Sports superstar’s life is arranged so that what can plainly be seen in others as sickness and cruelty is in him excused as the idiosyncrasy of a hero with vast appetites.


    About 5 weeks before she was murdered, Nicole left a list of O. J.'s abuses of her in the Bundy Drive condo...Four weeks before she was murdered, she made out her



    O. J. : “I’m not done with Nicole...I am going to get her, but good.”


    There was about Nicole now a finally grounded sense of freedom and understanding that O. J. would never change...O. J., who tried to let go of her and had once which time she came back to him.


    O.J. “I am a pathetic person...I’ve had enough...I’ve lived my life...”


    Nicole often wore dark glasses inside the house during the day. And jogged in them very early in the morning.


    Nicole: “O. J. broke my ribs...I wish I could just walk away. But...O. J. is crazy...he would kill me...””


    Whenever O. J. was around the Deep Canyon house, he and Marguerite were either separated or having a fight...She was so unhappy...She was known to wear sunglasses all the time, inside as well as outside the house...on at least two occasions, she called the police...


    Nicole fell in love with Marcus...You do not leave a man like O. J. twice- it’s too humiliating for him...


    All of a sudden the passenger door shot open and Simpson pushed Nicole out of the



    A.C. to O.J:” You sick mother*ucker...” 

    O. J. to police: “The police have been out here 8 times before...and you’re gonna arrest me for this!?...Why do you want to make a big deal out of it?”


    Eunice told Johnnie that when O. J. was a child she couldn’t do anything when he went into a rage.


    On June 12, a young golfer noticed that Simpson was having “extreme mood swings”


    O. J. had threatened to report Nicole to the IRS...The disgust it produced in her released her from his grip.


    There is a distinct favoritism shown toward Jason...After his second divorce, Nicole claimed that O. J. evinced the same sort of favoritism toward his second youngest son Justin...


    Nicole had six abortions..She had at least two of them before Sydney’s birth...


    O. J. was cavalier about his behavior. Sometimes he had the girls he slept with over to play tennis. Or, he invited them to the birthday parties Nicole gave him...


    O. J. would call Nicole 10, 15, 20 times a night.


    In both of O. J. Simpson’s divorces...he asked for and got the house, despite the fact that in both cases his young children would have to be uprooted...


    Marguerite would contend for years that her grief over Aaren’s drowning led O.J. to conceal assets and take advantage of her in the settlement.


    Nicole always kidded O. J. about his thinking he was white.


    Jimmy Lee Simpson left Eunice for a man. He lived in the community as a homosexual...O. J. was teased relentlessly about his father’s sexuality.


    O.J. in his autobiography: “The ghetto makes you want to hide your real identity from cops, teachers, and even yourself. It forces you to build up false images...”




    "Out of Bounds (1989)" by Jim Brown:  


    "I basically like O.J. Simpson. I do like Marcus Allen. And, I like Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie.  If they don't care about black folks, that's one thing.  If they do, then their contribution is lacking...I'm not saying that to try and hurt people. I'm saying it to try and help. Because, if we don't help our own, who will? Until black folks take a stand, how can we expect white people to?


    ...O.J. cannot tell the truth to America. In order to stay popular, make the money, he can't say his black brothers are getting mistreated. That's why, among hardcore blacks, the Juice gets tremendous respect as an athlete, and very little as a man.


    That's why I never call O.J. if there’s a black event that might be controversial, or I need guys to come down to South Central L.A...


    Here's the thing: white America will never accept the Juice, wholesome image or not, as fully as it will a white guy.


    However phony the guy, O.J. the runner was the genuine item...


    A black man who messes with white women...still takes a gamble in this country. O. J. Simpson did it.


    He left his first wife, Marguerite, who is black, later married the lady he's with now [Nicole Brown], who is white.


    As image-oriented as the Juice is, that surprised me.


    Guys like...the Juice...have all been perceived as Goody-Goody, but the image is simply a guy who isn't straight.


    I don't know one cat who is straight, and I know a lot of guys. Behind closed doors, everyone is human."







    by Jewelle Taylor Gibb"s







    Edited by Toni Morrison

     O.J. Simpson, the nation's leading ground gainer from USC gets an ice application on his bandaged right foot from his wife Marquerite, ca. 1967.O.J. and Marguerite Simpson

    O. J. Simpson

    DNP Random Things PicsIf I Did It: Confessions of the KillerBirth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script, and Spectacle in the O. J. Simpson CaseHow I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret, and RemorseRAGING HEARTNicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life InterruptedShattered: In the Eye of the StormOutrage: The Five Reasons Why O. J. Simpson Got Away with MurderI'm Not Dancing Anymoreoj prison

    oj simpson






    Latest stint: Simpson clearly gained weight between his last trial (left) and had another mugshot taken today as his appeal begins and he is noticeably more grey (right)

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