"Davis lifted his head and looked at Mark and William MacPhail, the son and brother of the police officer Davis was convicted of killing in 1989. “I am sorry for your loss,” Davis said. “I did not personally kill your son, father, and brother. I am innocent.”

    For those executing him, Davis said, "May God have mercy on your souls, may God bless your souls.” Davis then turned down an offer of a prayer. Fourteen minutes later he was dead."

    --Troy Anthony Davis, 42, 9/22/2011



    The worst is over now my dear felled warrior brother. You are in a better place. You have ascended this racist, elitist, and evil earth.

    We love you. We miss you. We mourn you. We pray that you do not greet Mumia Abu-Jamal soon. Like you, he is also innocent...

    I revere you and your dignity and grace. I embrace your eternal escape. Many more innocent men and women have been murdered unjustly. And, many more will be executed by amoral state sanctioned serial killers.

    Nothing is as political as racism and poverty. You are a political prisoner who perished. But, your serene and regal spirit, as our rebel hero, is eternal.

    Our laws are criminal. Our justice/just-us system is doomed by corruption that rots it's core. Our murderous and elitist penal system is hopelessly broken. And, we are all doomed and imprisoned by those who hate poor people.

    It wounds my soul and breaks my heart that Casey Anthony is free and you were murdered. But, only your body has died Troy. Your soul and spirit are eternal. We feel you among us. You will always inspire us. There are still centuries of rebel joys inside our collective revolutionary tears.

    So many people publicly spoke to save you brother. Those who fought for your life include the warden at the prison that caged you, the Pope, your wonderful warrior sister, and millions more fellow rebels. Tragic that “President” Barack Obama/Hobama was not one of them. Sinfully, Hobama did fight for Humberto Leal Garcia, Roman Polanski, and Henry Louis “Skip” Gates. You deserved his attention much more brother.

    Hobama has still uttered no public words for you to date, nor for Sean Bell or Oscar Grant. Horridly, funding the Prison Industrial Complex that slew you is Hobama's only black agenda.

    Millions globally do speak your name brother. We scream it with rage and respect. You were never alone. We are with you still. Millions of inmates are innocent within the belly of The Beast. That lucrative corporate beast grows bigger and more brutal each day.

    We release the best of you Troy. We hold on to your timeless warrior spirit. We pray for your eternal soul. Your execution will not be remembered in vain. We promise.


    Eternal Power and Everlasting Peace,



    <img src="http://www.newscientist.com/data/images/ns/cms/dn20956/dn20956-1_300.jpg" alt="Troy Davis: framed? (Image: The Savannah Morning News/AP/PA)" />

    troy-davis3-e1316694911298Davis Family (2)

    Kristin Nelson of Burlington joins dozens more outside Burlington City Hall on Wednesday evening to protest the execution of Troy Davis on death row in Georgia.Trying their best: Demostrators attempted to continue the fight on Wednesday night to keep Davis alive


    "The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land. Confusion all around. That's a strange statement. But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some strange way, are responding--something is happening in our world. The masses of people are rising up. And wherever they are assembled today, whether they are in Johannesburg, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya: Accra, Ghana; New York City; Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; or Memphis, Tennessee--the cry is always the same--"We want to be free."
    Now the other thing we'll have to do is this: Always anchor our external direct action with the power of economic withdrawal. Now, we are poor people, individually, we are poor when you compare us with white society in America. We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively, that means all of us together, collectively we are richer than all the nation in the world, with the exception of nine. Did you ever think about that? After you leave the United States, Soviet Russia, Great Britain, West Germany, France, and I could name the others, the Negro collectively is richer than most nations of the world. We have an annual income of more than thirty billion dollars a year, which is more than all of the exports of the United States, and more than the national budget of Canada. Did you know that? That's power right there, if we know how to pool it."

                      --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.His final speech - 1968



    I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a conspiracy scholar. I do not hate America. I love America. My captive African-American ancestors built this country. Their blood is in its soil. Their centuries of free labor originally funded every major corporation that still thrives in America. White supremacy, rabid racism, and intensifying colorism still rule all American arenas, in spite of mythical “post racial” madness. Thus, I love America conditionally.

    I live in eternal awe of all of the slain Americans and heroes who made the horrors of 9/11/01 become some of the proudest and most noble moments in our history. I also live in excruciating anguish about the political evil and global lies that define those tragic moments. Mercifully, no lies live forever.

    It is why I honor the victims and heroes by boycotting the fake and amoral ceremonies that ignore the glaring truths about this horrid act of internal war. Osama Bin Laden is a CIA creation who had nothing to do with the bloody CIA operations of 9/11/01. Dick Cheney and George W. Bush/King Shrub are the global terrorists who masterminded and execute the entire incident for many months.

    9/11 was indeed an inside job!!! It is a complex one that has been documented as the worst act of internal war on American soil. Many bloody lies about 9/11 have already been exposed and documented by rebel researchers. Shocking truths continue to be revealed about the bombs that melted three buildings, The Twin Tower and Building 7, and sunk them into three perfect circles at the World Trade Center. They include: The 186,000 tons of debris that was swiftly flown to Japan and India, to destroy the evidence of explosive chemicals; the traumatized witnesses who heard and smelled bombs; the verbose false witnesses and transparent official liars; the inexplicable heat and flames felt and seen on lower floors of both Towers, far beneath both crash entry sites; the grossly flawed and fabricated crash damage at the bombed Pentagon; the official stand down orders Cheney repeatedly gave to the Air Force, long before the Towers were hit; the bombing and poorly staged crash of Flight 93; the phone call that Condoleeza Rice made to warn and save the beloved San Francisco politico Willie Brown; the BBC's surreal and premature report on the melting of WTC7, an amazing 23 minutes before it had even occurred; the private rescue flights that swiftly escorted the Bin Laden clan safely away from the looming life threatening lies, and much more...

    Question authority. Conduct your own research. Truth is stranger than fiction. There are no truths stranger that the endless evil war games that the United States government plays. They are brutal and fascist games that are fatal to our fellow citizens and all other citizens everywhere.

    Begin your own research by perusing the numerous and superb websites of NYC's first responders, police officers, firefighters, architects, and engineers. They were the experts at the scene and they know the lies expertly. Ponder the obvious. Two planes can never melt three whole buildings...

    You will find that 9/11 happened so that America's evil elitist rulers would be given a pass to declare global war at will. America's serial wars will rape and rob the world of oil, gold, and opium forever. It is a lucrative aim. Ask Cheney, King Shrub, Halliburton, Hobama/”President” Barack Obama...

    Hobama is a more ruthless and worse war criminal than King Shrub was. Ask any Libyan, Syrian, Pakistani... Hobama has already fared well with his very own false flag of murdering Osama for the ninth time. What newer and deadlier ruses await us?


    Watch these films and many others. And, wake up ASAP. OUR GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT 9/11/01 FOR OVER 10 YEARS!!!







    God Bless Americans. Please save us from our demonic lying government and their endless global wars that loom...Bless the victims' souls and families. Thank you for all the heroes.



     Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and IraqFacts Talk but the Guilty Walk: The 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders

     Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center DisasterThe 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America

    The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over AmericaFamily of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America


    63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to ReadAmerican Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells UsInside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies


    8/29/11 - I have conducted exhaustive research on Hobama's forged long form birth certificate. I have also completed reading a superbly researched new book: "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?  - THE CASE THAT BARACK OBAMA IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT" by Dr. Jerome Corsi. I suggest you do the same ASAP!!!

    I have concluded, again and anew, that Hobama is a generational CIA agent who was born in Kenya.

    In 2012, Hobama will be selected to reign within a second illegal presidency...SHAME!!!!!!!

    I am reposting my initial column to officially negate the undeserved apology I composed. Unlike Hobama, I always keep my promises. And, I always will. See more:

    http://aliciabanks.xanga.com/746584599/open-letter-of-apology-to-naturalized-american-president-barack-obama/  }


    Memo to Hobama: YOU LIE!!!!!!!...








    “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”

                                                           - John F. Kennedy 



    Hobama/King Shrub 2.0 has proven to be a pathological liar. He continues to tell blatant lies daily. Why would anyone believe that he is not also lying about his birth?


    The truth is its own defense. Those who tell truths are usually despised. Jesus was literally crucified for the truths he told to those comfortable with sacred adherence to religious myths. Ignorance is still bliss.


    Only those who are arrogantly ignorant about all of the countless lies that Obama tells would deny that his stories about his birth may be typically embellished. He has embellished the life of an uncle who was allegedly interred in a Nazi death camp. He has embellished the initial meeting of his biological parents. He has embellished the fictitious poverty of his elite grandparents and his blue blood. He has embellished his relationship with his blood cousins and mentors George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, while expertly and perpetually posing as their nemesis. He has embellished the entire elaborate hoax that is his exotic biography. Why would he exclusively resist embellishing a birthplace that may expose him as an even greater and bolder fraud than we already know him to be?


    Obama has been brazenly secretive and arrogantly reticent about many details of his allegedly charmed and seemingly fairy-tale political life. He has been more transparent, played golfed more, and vacationed more than Bush. To date, we have not seen Obama’s academic records. We have not seen his medical records. Why should we believe that he has exclusively revealed his actual birth certificate?


    Do you recall when the moronic George W. Bush accidentally announced that his brother Jeb promised him Florida long before he “won” Florida? Do you recall when Bush accidentally admitted that his illegal military strike against Iraq was a personal vendetta for Saddam Hussein’s alleged attempted assassination of his “daddy” George H. W. Bush?


    Bush made those bold public statements simply because he had the power to do so. He knew he was selected by and connected to the elitists who rule our world. He knew there would be no reprimand or sanction. Every similarly brazen antic by his blackish cousin Hobama will be similarly unchecked. Obama has also been selected and connected beyond any repercussions for his belatedly proven ineligibility to become president. The Hobama hoax is a done deal until 2016.


    No lie lives forever. I do not believe a single word that Hobama and his evil elitist peers ever utter. That includes any claims Hobama makes about the eligibility of his birth and the authenticity of his soul. SHAME!!!!!!!





    The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama


     Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be PresidentDeconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern PresidentThe Obama Error


    President Barack ObamaThe AmateurHuffy ObamaThe Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama



    We commemorate the life of Dr. King without having the license to do so, like the pastor who recites the word of God as he molests his children and cheats on his wife.  We don’t deserve Dr. King, and our decision to memorialize him while rejecting him is entirely reflective of the hypocrisy to which our nation has become accustomed.  One must also wonder how Dr. King might feel about a country that continues to oppress the people he claimed to represent:  We can’t profess to love a man and simultaneously destroy the people he cares about the most.” 

                                              – Dr. Boyce Watkins - ThyBlackMan.com


    "Dr. King and the liberation movement he represents will again suffer a brutal blow this week when all are permanently entombed under the violent euphemism of “memorial.” The dedication of this $120 million stone sculpture is to be a national tribute to a man whose entire body of work was designed to destroy the very structure that now claims to honor him. It is no honor. It is a burial. The very entities against which the movement that produced King have struggled for centuries have now attached themselves to him as if to claim victory over, rather than along with, that man and that movement. This memorial should be seen as the hostile, disingenuous aggression against Dr. King that it is and should continue to be a reminder of the absolute absence of sincere change in this society.

    It is fitting that this memorial is placed so as to sit “along the axis of the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials” permanently fixed between two of this nation’s greatest representatives of enslavement and anti-Blackness. It is fitting that this memorial is being established by the very segments of this society King worked strongest against, and to which he offered his most biting criticism. And, it is fitting that this memorial be established at a time when King’s words and deeds are least known or followed, while a Black president presides over the falling conditions of Black Americans and the falling bombs over African homes. And, it is fitting that the dedication of the memorial will come 48 years after his most famous speech and 44 years after he would call his dream a 'nightmare'.”

                                                                                 -- Jared Ball - Black Agenda Report


    "Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today, my own government.

    A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom. 

    Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. 

    History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. 

    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. 

    Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. 

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. 

    Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. 

    The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood. 

    I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.

    Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

                                            --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    I revere and adore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He defiantly fought for poor black people, who were abused and tortured by racism and elitism. He sacrificed his life for justice and love. Dr. King chose to dedicate his entire being to expanding the American dream beyond all boundaries of race and class.

    No American has ever deserved to be eternally honored by every race in every way as Dr. King. But, under the spirit crushing and blackish betrayals of the rabidly elitist Hobama, the countless, apolitical, mega rich, mega church cloned pulpit pimps, who disgrace all who are sincere and noble; racist politicos who slander King's rebel legacies; and the diverse madness of varied ahistorical liars and fools, we rarely dare to dream today. Tragically, Dr. King's dream has been deliberately twisted into a global nightmare.

    I remember King's glaring and grossly unfulfilled dream. I mourn. I honor. I question. King truly cared about poor black people. He fought and died for us. If King could see what we have become since he was publicly executed, would it swiftly slay him anew? Many more questions abound:


    How shocked would King be by the huge racial wealth gaps that still horridly permeate all arenas in 2011?

    How appalled would King be to see how the blackish Hobama has gentrified cities and campuses, under the brutal bastions of a new systemic Jim Crow elitism?

    How dejected would King be by the new slavery of America's super sized Prison Industrial Complex?

    How stunned would King be by the endless trillions that fund the Military Industrial Complex and make the cost of the Vietnam War he loathed look paltry?

    How heartbroken would King be to witness Hobama's costly, bloody, serial, and global wars?

    How shocked would King be by the randomly fatal ruthlessness of Hobama's beloved predator drones?

    How repulsed would King be by Hobama's internet spies, who make that monster J. Edgar Hoover look tame and inept?

    How would King be emotionally wounded by the black agenda-less Hobama's burgeoning black misery index?

    How horrified would King be to witness what the blackish Hobama has done, to assist white banksters, as they have slain poor people of all races globally, for decades to come?

    How mortified would the scholarly King be to see how Hobama and his corporate charter school cronies have deliberately destroyed every vestige of public education?

    How disgusted would King be about sagging pants and slacking students?

    How passionately would King pray for scapegoated and abused teachers?

    How depressed would King be about Hobama and his banksters' erasure of affordable public housing?

    How disillusioned would King be to see that Hobama and his banksters have foreclosed the black middle class into nonexistence?

    How deeply ashamed would King be by the tragic state of black “parenting”?

    How painfully would Bayard Rustin and King marvel at the homohating hypocrisies of black hypochristians?

    How revolting would King find the homohating antics of his suspect daughter Bernice, and her former BFF/fellow gaybasher/gay tree jumper for Jesus, Eddie Long?

    How disgusted would King be by the rabid colorism and white supremacy that rule the mindless lives and self hating progeny of droves of young black men?

    How deeply offended would King be by the blind and foolish Hobama Nazis who pretend that the rabidly elitist and disgraceful warmonger Hobama is his clone?

    How diligently would King and Malcolm X march and toil to defy Hobama and his bankster rulers?...


    I will always remember and adore Dr. King. And, I will never forget that most persons have never truly embraced and engaged his dream. I will always hate those who have twisted Dr. King's interracial dreams into fake “post-racial” nightmares. Nothing will ever be as memorable as the eternal betrayals of that blackish hoax Hobama, and his blind black racist Nazis, who disgrace King more each day!



    Dear Dr. King: We miss you and Coretta so...We need you both now more than ever. May you both rest in peace eternally, in a sacred and peaceful place that truly does transcend racism...



    Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King

    An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther KingMurder in MemphisI May Not Get There with You: The True Martin Luther King, JrAnd the Walls Came Tumbling Down: An AutobiographyMLK dream PBO nightmareDNC


    "I have now spent half my life on death row. It is a torturous environment that no human being should have to endure, and it needed to end. I am innocent, as are Jason and Jessie, but I made this decision because I did not want to spend another day of my life behind those bars. I want to live and to continue to fight for our innocence. Sometimes justice is neither pretty nor is it perfect, but it was important to take this opportunity to be free.

    I am not alone as there are tens of thousand of men and woman in this country who have been wrongfully convicted, forced into a false confession, sentenced to death or a lifetime in prison. I am hopeful that one day they too will be able stand with their friends and family to declare their innocence.

    This whole experience has taught me much about life, human nature, American justice, survival and transcendence."

                                --Damien Echols - 8/19/11



    Legal justice is only a reality for those who can afford to buy it. America's courtrooms are increasingly amoral, elitist, racist, and insane. Class trumps counsel. Dream teams trump public defenders. Poverty trumps race.

    Any racist fool or elitist drone who denies that class trumps race has never heard of the “West Memphis Three”. They are three poor white Arkansan teens (Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin) who were framed for the brutal murders of three poor 8-year-old boys (Christopher Byers, Stevie Branch, and Michael Moore). In a tiny racist town where blacks are abused by police, and poor whites are abused like blacks, corruption is criminally routine.

    West Memphis is a town that I know well. My parents are natives of the area, and I have spent many summers there. In 1993, it was a typically flawed bible belt enclave. It was a cozy country town where fanatical fake religion fostered a frantic fear of all that was arbitrarily deemed “satanic”. It was one where anyone who dared to be different in any way was usually regarded as “demonic”.

    Nothing is more evil than ignorance. It is ignorance that has stolen three lives for decades. Ignorant police officers ignored glaring evidence of innocence. Ignorant jurors were complicit in accepting one blatantly erroneous and false confession, during a horrid fiasco that passed as a trial. Ignorant lawyers chose to elevate careers rather than exonerate poor framed children.

    No justice will ever be served to any of the six most tortured victims in this tragic murder case. Three teenagers with rebel swagger who loved heavy metal music and black clothing have lost 18 years of their lives. Three adorable innocent Cub Scouts have been slaughtered like three deer and their killer is still free. Many national researchers and Arkansas residents believe that the actual killer is Terry Hobbs, the abusive drug addicted and alcoholic stepfather of the slain Stevie Branch; or John Mark Byers, the more abusive, shady, drug addicted, and serial criminal stepfather of the castrated Christopher Byers.

    Who will now prosecute the criminal cops, inept lawyers, and amorally ambitious politicos who framed these three teens? Who will give these framed men back the 18 years of their lives that each lost inside the hell of prison? How many times were their spirits murdered by beatings or rapes? Who will repair all that has been murdered within their hearts, minds, and souls. How many millions of other poor framed inmates, rotting inside state and federal cages, will never be freed?

    Belated forensic evidence now incriminates Terry Hobbs. Yet, Hobbs may never be prosecuted for the heinous murder of three brutally murdered boys, including his stepson. But, the court of public opinion and karma are real. They are as real as elitism and racism. Ask Casey Anthony about guilt and peace. The karmic debts that the universe will dole out for the West Memphis Three, droves of murderous parents, and millions of murdered children, will extend to legions of souls indeed...

    Kudos to all of the family members, friends, and international warriors who never gave up on seeking a modicum of justice for three framed and imprisoned teens, who could not afford to buy justice in court. Since 1993, the West Memphis Three have lost many battles. In 2011, they have finally won the war.


    Damien, Jason, and Jessie: Welcome home! You are soldiers. Millions have always known that you are not killers. May you find some bliss within your criminally conditional release. May you spend each day of freedom with more love than loss, more bravery than bitterness, and more passion than pain. May God bless you all and protect you from the satanic injustices, evil police, and demonic lawyers that framed you...


    For more haunting information on this tragic case, see superb journalist and superior author Mara Leveritt's excellent work:





     Death row love story: Damien Echols and Lorri Davis met and married while Echols was on death row accused of a horrific triple child murder


    The VictimsThen and now



    Terry Hobbs 

    Jason Baldwin Damien EcholsJessie MisskelleyFilm: The well-known case that attracted the attention of actor Johnny Depp is now the subject of the documentary 'Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory', which was nominated for an Academy Award this week

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! – 8/10/11


    I am 48 years old. My life has been blessed and charmed. I am not rich or poor. I have a regal wife and a few real friends.

    I was blessed to be born into a loyal and loving family. I enjoy smart and faithful peers. My mom is alive and well and still my very best friend. I thank God daily for every blessing I know.

    Happiness is not defined by getting what we want. It is the unique reality of wanting what we have.

    We all need to be less greedy and more grateful.

    I thank God most for the wisdom that aging gracefully brings.

    At 48, these 48 things I know:


    1. There is no greater joy than living alone.

    2. I need to work less and play more.

    3. Love is defined by actions not words.

    4. Respect is earned always.

    5. A sincere compliment is always a gift.

    6. Dreadlocks are organic antennas to God.

    7. Fine simple foods are divine gifts.

    8. Great books are sheer joys.

    9. Kindle is the Anti-Christ.

    10. Sitcoms kill brains.

    11. Most TV is mindless and evil.

    12. We are all doomed by droves of unloved, unwanted, uneducated, and abused children.

    13. Slackers rule the world.

    14. Birth control is a relic.

    15. A real friend is a rare gift from God.

    16. I love Rutina Wesley.

    17. I love Janet Jackson.

    18. I love Nancy Wilson.

    19. I love Chrisette Michelle.

    20. I love Toccarra Jones.

    21. I love Gabriel Union.

    22. I love Pam Grier.

    23. I love Paula Kelly.

    24. I love Joy Bryant.

    25. I love my wife more than any celebrity crush!

    26. TV is mindless and evil.

    27. I love Blair Underwood.

    28. I love Idris Elba.

    29. I love Ving Rhames.

    30. I love Shemar Moore.

    31. I love Mumia Abu-Jamal

    32. I love Eric Benét.

    33. I love sesame bagels.

    34. I love Bing and Rainier cherries.

    35. I love Asian cuisine.

    36. I love gourmet ice cream.

    37. I love my sista friends.

    38. I love fine red rosé wines.

    39. I hate Hobama Nazis!!!!!!!!

    40. I hate Hobama/GWB 2.0!!!!!!!

    41. I hate that slackers rule the world!!!!!!!!

    42. I love iced water.

    43. I love great films.

    44. I love teaching babies who are young, gifted, and black!!!

    45. I pray each day that I am never reincarnated.

    46. Earth is Hell.

    47. Love is God.

    48. Peace is Heaven.







    ALICIA 2004ALICIA 2008



     "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

    --Howard Zinn


    If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something. But. the people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organizations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time.”

    --Noam Chomsky 


    "Sometimes it seem like to tell the truth today is to run the risk of being killed. But if I fall, I'll fall five feet four inches forward in the fight for freedom. I'm not backing off."

    --Fannie Lou Hamer


    "He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."

    --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

    The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." -

    -H.L. Mencken


    "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear."

    --George Orwell



    ­Envy is stronger than fear. And, fear is stronger than respect. Hobama Nazis who envy and fear the Tea Party refuse to give that rebel party the respect that it is due.

    I am an ultra liberal independent. I am a lesbian and a global war protester. I am also a virulently anti-racist and afrocentric intellectual who is uniquely awake. I am a conspiracy scholar who is fully aware of the New World Order driven hoax that is Hobama/”President” Barack Obama/Barry Sotero/Harrison J. Bounell...

    I am sane enough to see beyond the propaganda that propelled Hobama to become the new Hitler. I am wise enough to refuse to worship Hobama's blackish skin. Since 2006, I have remained exclusively focused upon his evil elitist deeds. Hobama's new Super Congress is supreme proof that the Debt Debacle was never intended to create anything except more supreme power for Hobama.

    I know that all dissent is patriotic. I know that Republicans and Democrats are distinctions without differences. I know that elections are ruses for sheeple who vote. I know that racists are everywhere in every organization. I know that racists rule every bastion of political power in Washington, DC. Why should the Tea Party be the only political organization in America that its solely judged by the racists within its ranks?!

    As America perishes and global poverty becomes a smart bomb by design, no president has ever been more racist than Hobama. Hobama is a legendary drone for racist white male banksters. Hobama completely ignores black people until he needs mindless voters or grinning wait staff for his frequent and opulent parties. Hobama is the glaring President of Wall Street as he incessantly reminds black people to remember that he is certainly not their Black President!

    Abraham Lincoln had a black agenda. John F. Kennedy also had a black agenda. Yet, the blackish Hobama flaunts his refusal to fashion any black agenda beyond funding the Prison Industrial Complex that cages millions of blacks in America. Hobama generously funds the Military Industrial Complex that devours droves of black corpses as fodder for its endless global wars. Hobama has funded DNA arrests by racist cops who publicly and routinely execute blacks. Hobama's blindly racist and amoral lapdogs/bodyguards like Al Sharpton and Tom Joyner demand that blacks pretend to ignore Hobama's bloody red serial betrayals.

    Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms were proudly racist like Hobama. Both legendary politicos were bona fide KKK icons. Even fathering a black daughter did not temper Thurmond's rabid racism. Few men of any race ever politicize their penises. Just as Thurmond and Helms did not represent all of their politico peers, a few KKK fools with racist misspelled signs do not represent the entire Tea Party.

    There are intelligent black Tea Partiers who reject the ignorant liars who are Republicans and Democrats. They do not share every facet of any singular party's agenda. Yet, they fiercely admire political warriors who offer any alternative to the increasingly toxic good cop/ bad cop games that most masochistic and rabid politicos perpetually play upon American people. I admire all rebels. I respect the truth from any source.

    Lies rule all media. All mainstream media are run by Hobama's fans. The media deliberately edit images of every Tea Party rebellion so that they appear to be Klan rallies. The Tea Party is filled with angry people of all races. They are righteously angry and admirably organized. While agenda-less black Hobama Nazis have whined from the bleachers, Tea Partiers have scored political posts and rebel touchdowns nationwide.

    Hobama is a turbo golfer, a world rock star tour vacationer, and a serial warmonger who makes his blood cousin and mentor King Shrub/George W. Bush look like a workaholic and a pacifist. Hobama appears to be financially and emotionally addicted to war. War is an ancient American addiction that breeds false pride and real karma. The endless wars that rage and loom exclusively benefit Hobama and his fellow elitist warmongers, who garner trillions from global thefts, deaths, and destruction.

    Scapegoating is even more addictive than war. The ultimate thrill is scapegoating enemies and casualties of war. This is why the political warriors within the Tea Party have become the ultimate American scapegoats. The Democrats/Republicans dare to blame the Tea Party for everything that Hobama has done. How surreal an experience that must be for the Tea Partiers. They dare to collectively call Hobama out, then they are blamed for Hobama's own deeds!

    While the Tea Partiers have challenged Hobama in his face, his black fans have only coddled, excused, adored, and worshiped him from a beloved distance. As the Tea Party has been revolutionary, the Black Left has only been revering. The Tea Party organized, while Hobama's masochistic black fans only slew any persons of any race who dared to collectively check Hobama. Even veteran rebel soldiers like Dr. Cornel West, Tavis Smiley, and Harry Belafonte are scalded by the slander and hatred of black fools each day, simply because these three brave brothers dare to brew their own rebel teas.

    As an act of clarity and respect, I now list 10 THINGS THE TEA PARTY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR:


    1. The 23 trillion dollars that Hobama bilked for banksters

    2. Hobama's escalated and endless war for oil in Iraq

    3. Hobama's expanded and endless war for opium in Afghanistan

    4. Hobama's global fleet of predator drones

    5. Hobama's brand new solo war for oil and gold in Libya

    6. Hobama's calling blacks mongrels on TV

    7. Hobama's grueling turbo golf schedule/superstar serial vacations

    8. Hobama's gutting of Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to fund Hobamacare

    9. Hobama's horridly failed foreclosure plan

    10. Hobama's nonexistent black agenda/jobs program in America


    I could list many other acts of betrayal and evil by Hobama. But, why bother? It will not stop a single hopeless and unchanged Hobama Nazi/”journalist”/pathetic politico from blaming the Tea Party anyway. The Tea Party is the new Boogeyman. And, the super scary deeds of Hobama's new Super Congress have only just begun. Beware!

    Scared and envious Hobama Nazis who hate and blame the Tea Party need to brew some belated black tea ASAP!!! Hobama brazenly ignores poor black mongrels. The poor mongrels in the Tea Party have made certain that they will never be ignored by Hobama or any of his rabidly elitist politico clones on The Hill again. KUDOS!!!



      That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom: Team Obama's Assault on Tea-Party, Talk-Radio Americans


    {8/2/11 - Tom Joyner has penned yet another psycho and pathetic love letter to Hobama.

     See Tom's amazingly amoral adoration here:


     This is my righteous rebel rant in reply.}



    "And it must be clear: these cuts are only the beginning. Spokesmen for the financial elite, such as the Wall Street Journal editorial board, are pressing for trillions in additional cuts, including the outright destruction of Medicare and Social Security, which are to be privatized and effectively abolished. Obama and the Democrats differ only on the tactical means for carrying out this historic assault on the working class.

    In the final analysis, this social counterrevolution is an expression of the historical crisis and bankruptcy of American capitalism. The ruling class is determined to destroy every vestige of the gains won by American workers in a century of struggle in order to defend their own property and profits.

    Working people can carry out a serious struggle against this onslaught only by recognizing its fundamental economic source. The defense of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs requires a political struggle against the profit system. The working class must break with the Democrats, mobilize in opposition to the Obama administration, and build an independent political movement of its own, based on a socialist and internationalist program."



    "If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America"




    ATTN: Tom Joyner/The Jigaboo Minstrel Show's 2012 Black Vote Czar:



    All opinions should be based upon facts. Your love letters always digress from any factual examinations of glaring political misdeeds. The fact is that Hobama/“President” Barack Obama has been the most rabidly elitist and racist president in American history.

    Even Hobama's most blind Nazi fans, like you, now only dare to defend Hobama on two trifling and apolitical counts:


    1. Any other president would be worse.”


    2. Hobama is black and all blacks must blindly vote for him.”


    On both bogus counts, ALL of you black racist fools lie like Hobama!!! You whine like Hobama is YOUR mama! YOU need to focus on Hobama's bloody red global realities, and upon his corporate green actions FAR beyond his blackish bankster skin.

    The righteous and international hatreds that Hobama's ruthless betrayals have earned are real. They trump your mindless media mantras and collective coon cheer leading. No one is harming the public more than you.

    Hobama has ignored, insulted, tricked, and robbed your poor black fans since 2007. Yet, you demand that they vote for more of Hobama's black agenda-less genocide in 2012. You cheer more loudly for your belovedly bromanced DL Hobama each day.

    Your bitchy, blind, and lovesick antics are morbidly amusing, as you fashion your redundant, repulsive, and obsessed 2012 Hobama campaign. It is revealing that you “skip the facts” as you pen your politically suicidal and masochistic love sonnets to Hobama. You boldly do so even as Hobama flaunts his glaring apathy for you black mongrels and his secured serial selected presidencies.

    Your brazen, fleeting, and fallacious references to the brave pacifist Dr. Martin Luther King, the courageous banker slayer President John F. Kennedy, and the heroic black warrior Malcolm X are morbid and humorless slander. All three of these great men would despise the corporatist and warmongering lap dog Hobama, as he abuses all who are black and poor, and empowers all banksters globally.

    Like your evil and elitist idol Hobama, you DO realize the harm you spew and the lies you tell. Like Al Sharpton, that makes you a deliberate seller of your own soul. Your personal sabotage is your prerogative. But, allowing your syndicated minstrel show to become an uncensored bull horn/mindless domain for unchecked black mongrel vote czars, makes you more than a mere saboteur within black America. It makes you a dangerously demonic peer of that bona fide warlock Jay-Z! SHAME!!!!!!

    Those of us who refuse to be blind to the money green evils of Hobama and his white racist rulers will never sell our souls as you all do. We refuse to judge the blackish Hobama exclusively by the color of his yellow skin. We defy you racist and colorist clowns as you cheer the Bilderbergers' global hatchet man Hobama. We will continue to expose Hobama's evil deeds outside of your amoral studios.

    We are taking notes and recording names for the black progeny that Hobama and his banksters have already slain for decades via endless deceit and debt. We pray that Hobama will suffer the very same fate at the polls in 2012 that he wrought upon his own politico peers in 2010. We will no longer be duped by voting charades hosted within the singular elitist party that poses as both Democrat and Republican, while playing good cop/bad cop with American people, taxes, and lives.

    Any poor, illiterate, hypnotized, lobotomized, and blind black fool who votes for Hobama in 2012 is actually insane. They are doubly insane if they do so at your, or Al Sharpton's, direction. And, they deserve whatever additional insanity they shall endure via Hobama. No president could ever be more ruthless than Hobama has been simply because adoring black mongrels would never allow any other president to be so.

    No fans of any other president would ever act like racist Hobama Nazis, who slay and slander all rebels of all races who dare to call Hobama out. No DL president would ever be ignored like the DL Hobama, by black homohaters who exclusively guard sexual secrets of players with blackish pimp swaggers. No other president could ever inspire minstrels like you and that permed out and sold out Sharpton to dance such genocidal jigs.

    What “prize” has Hobama given to anyone who is not a bankster or a war profiteer??? Where should poor black people cast their eyes to find one single political gift from Hobama? Why do you perpetually slander Tavis Smiley? Why do you pretend that Tavis has not been a clairvoyant and reticent hero regarding that joker Hobama?

    Is that envy you constantly display evoked by Tavis' vocabulary being 50 times more extensive than your own? How do you feel about Hobama being over 50 times less wise, moral, and competent than those stellar and soulful sages, Tavis or Dr. Cornel West, ever predicted? How can you be 50 times more perpetually blind to Hobama's evil antics than most of your reformed and belatedly awakened Hobama Nazi peers?

    No lovestruck and man crushed Hobama Nazi minstrel has been more hateful, petty, envious, blind, catty, dirty, evil, and arrogantly ignorant than YOU!!! You have coddled, excused, cheered, praised, and sucked Hobama incessantly! SHAME!!!!!!! Tavis is the real man whom that hoax Hobama will NEVER be! Tavis is 50 times the truer and more noble warrior brother, whom elitist and bitchy groupies and jokers like you and Sharpton will NEVER be!!!

    Your mission is to pretend that Hobama's rancid yellow piss is revolutionary black salvation. You proudly help him slay the very poor black mongrels who bother to tune into your horridly ignorant “show”. You are the star of a posse of blind and racist poster boys for the dumbed down spiritual and political deaths of African-American people.

    The fact is: Hobama has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING beneficial for poor people of any race in America!!! Hobama has robbed and ignored your black mongrel “radio” fans most! You orgasmically share rivers of blood that flow from Hobama's blackish bankster hands. You viciously use The Jigaboo Minstrel Show to spew that blood upon the mindless masses.

    Focus upon the blood you and Hobama drain from Black America!!

    Focus upon how millions of us and our progeny will suffer and drown in that bankster bilked blood for decades. Unlike you, we refuse to judge that destroyer Hobama by the color of his half black blood. We will never ignore our own black bloodshed ONLY because Hobama's colorless destruction is camouflaged by his blackish skin!!!

    No minstrel like YOU will EVER share our revolutionary mission! Unlike Tavis, you have never been in our poor black tribe. Unlike Tavis and Dr. Cornel West, you and Sharpton are no regal leaders. You are two bitchy wicked witch doctors.

    Keeping ALL of you hopelessly unchanged and lovesick Hobama Nazi fools at a distance is the only way that we, who defiantly and righteously see beneath and beyond Hobama's blackish skin, will ever be victorious. Hobama has just begun to shed our collective, poor, and black blood.



     schizophreniaBought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall StreetThe Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War AbroadObamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union BossesDeconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern President

     Boxes of breath mints, like this one pictured at Vice Chancellor for Communication Margie Nichols' office on Wednesday, were taken off of the shelves at a University of Tennessee bookstore after state Rep. Joe Armstrong asked the bookstore to remove them. (Saul Young/News Sentinel)





    "At the same time, in April and May 2008, Cindy Anthony was becoming less willing to watch Caylee, according to the testimony of one of Casey’s friends. Then Casey met Tony Lazzaro, a club promoter, and she got a taste of the free life she wanted to have, Ashton said, “but that’s not the life that Casey has because Casey is a mom and that gives her responsibility whether she likes it or not."

    Ashton said Casey knew that she would eventually have to choose between sacrificing her partying lifestyle and sacrificing her child, and she ultimately chose to sacrifice her child. So on June 16, 2008, when she left her parents’ house and said they would spend the night at Zanny’s, “she knew that night she would be in the arms of her boyfriend and that Caylee would be dead.”

    Ashton said this was why Casey created “Zanny” the nanny and lied to her parents about having a job for two years. At some point, she even changed her fake job to a position as an event coordinator with more flexible hours that could plausibly require her to work nights so her mother would watch Caylee while she went out with friends.

    The problem, Ashton said, was that “the only way Casey’s lies work is if Caylee isn’t talking.” So once Caylee got old enough that she became verbal, Casey needed to do something because her daughter “doesn’t know enough to lie.”

    Over the next few days, while Casey told her mother elaborate lies about where she and Caylee were, Ashton said Caylee was likely in the trunk of her car, decomposing, “put out of Casey’s mind as easily as she puts out the truth.” He called Casey’s ability to come up with an appropriate lie in any situation “amazing” and said it was “really quite impressive” how she could incorporate details from old lies into new ones.

    He said the theory of the defense in this case “requires you to suspend your common sense…It is a trip down a rabbit hole to a bizarre world where men who love their granddaughters find them drowned in a pool and do nothing.”

    We can only hope that the chloroform was used before the tape was applied,” he said, and that Caylee was not conscious to experience the fear of being unable to breathe.

    He noted that the duct tape found with Caylee’s remains was extremely rare, and it matched tape found at the Anthony house. It was also seen on one of the missing child flyers Casey’s parents were distributing. Dwelling on that for a moment, he said, “The tape that was used to kill Caylee Anthony was used to implore people to look for her.”





    "On the second day of testimony in the trial of Casey Anthony, the Florida mother on trial for killing her daughter, Caylee, several witnesses, including Tony Lazzoro Casey's boyfriend at the time, testified that Casey told them her parents were going to move into an apartment and give the house to her. While none of what Anthony purportedly told her new-found friends from the Fusion club was true, it seems that she was laying the groundwork to explain why she, a 22-year-old party girl, would have a comfortable home all to herself.

    When she told Tony Lazzoro that she ran out of gas and needed a ride to her home to get some gas cans, she specifically told him that the home and shed were hers. She instructed Lazzoro to break the lock on the shed because she didn't have a key for it, but it didn't matter because, "It was her shed anyway," Lazzoro testified.

    If you step back and look at this, it appears that Casey Anthony was getting rid of anyone and everyone who could cause her problems or stop her from enjoying the life she believed she was entitled to. It's documented that she fought with her mother often on the phone. Now she claims she was sexually abused by her father. Why would someone whose parents treated them so poorly want to live in the house where she suffered horrible abuse?"




    Casey Anthony is a superb pathological liar. She is very proud of that fact. So, are her lying amoral defense lawyers. They have all blatantly lied since the very first day of this horrid excuse for a trial. Casey’s defense team’s entire strategy was to toss out as many lies as they could imagine until any lies stuck inside mindless jurors. They lied incessantly. Their lies worked flawlessly.

    Casey the baby killer was totally acquitted of the murder of her daughter Caylee, whom Casey poisoned with chloroform/smothered with duct tape, allowed to rot in the trunk of her car, stuffed inside a trash bag, and tossed into a neighborhood swamp like illegal litter.

    This fatally spoiled brat Casey learned to be an amoral expert liar. Her parents showed us exactly where she garnered that expertise as they flagrantly lied during the final days of this legal fiasco. They lied about a pool ladder and an open patio door. They lied about internet searches and sick dogs.

    Casey is a baby killer and a liar. She is also a whore and a thief. And, she will be free to wild and wound again. This is a god damned shame!!!!!!!

    Blind and racist fools actually pretend that there is no institutional racism within the criminal system that comprises the Prison Industrial Complex. These fools can no longer soberly make such ignorant claims. In the brutal example of Casey’s case, racist denials have now been nullified.

    Compare and contrast the renowned hit and run murders of black female Aimee Michael, 24, and her black mother Sheila Michael, 53. Reflect on the injustice dealt to “just us”::

    Sheila stupidly helped her beloved Aimee cover up a bloody auto accident that killed five people.
    Casey killed her own unloved and unwanted child with her own hands.

    Sheila lied to help Aimee repair revealing auto damage.
    Casey’s mother and father clowned and lied in court for weeks to protect and cover for the coddled criminal Casey as they have done for all of her psychotic and miserable life.

    Casey will soon be free and reunited with her kindred soulless family.
    Aimee will be locked in a cage inside a prison for 36 years.
    Sheila will be locked in a cage inside a second distant prison for 8 years.
    Their father/husband will suffer solo.

    Both Aimee and Casey are inhumane and spoiled murderers. Both of their mothers are spineless and heartless enablers. But, their similarities end on those two counts. If the twisted Anthony family was black, the entire clan would have been swiftly sent to death row!

    Ask any teacher. Millions of toxic turbo breeding young parents routinely use alcohol and drugs as sedatives to babysit their abused and unloved children while they party at clubs. Most prefer Tylenol or Hennessy. Casey chose choloroform. I will always believe that Casey gave Caylee a fatal dose of her chemical babysitter of choice, before a typically wild night of drinking, drugging, dancing, and whoring. Then, finding Caylee dead rather than dozing, Casey panicked...

    Ask any teacher. Americans are being deliberately and genetically dumbed down daily. Hobama and his corporatist charter school cronies are delibrately destroying public schools. There is a science to breeding intelligent children who become wise adults. Yet, at least two generations of fertile and amoral morons rule the world. Most juries and lawyers are chosen from this defective global gene pool. Like the original O. J. Simpson trial, Casey’s travesty is living proof of the death of common sense inside our increasingly cruel, unsafe, evil, and insane world..

    Tragically, like millions of dead rainbow babies born to cursed whores, bred by absent playboy thugs, Caylee will never receive one modicum of justice beyond her gory grave.

    Nancy Grace is a warrior whom I adore. She was the fist person I heard publicly ponder what millions who have paid attention to this case have quietly questioned: Was Casey planning to kill her doting and demented parents too? Will Casey now feel empowered to kill again? Is there arsenic scrambled eggs or chloroform iced tea in their haunted futures? Were they second and third on Casey’s “putrid corpses to be placed in my trunk” list?...May they be so still?

    All who are literate and wise know that Casey is an icy cold baby killer. Her slaughter of her daughter Caylee was a sloppy first degree murder. If she slaughters her parents next, that will be much more than a mere double murder. That will be dual karma for the brutal injustice that will eternally haunt the murdered soul of Caylee Anthony. Do stay tuned.

    To the Anthonys: You have created a lying murderer. We know that Casey is a baby killer. And, we know that you know Casey is a baby slaying monster too!!!...SHAME!!!!!!!

    Dear Baby Caylee: May your eternal soul find complete peace in a superior place...far away from this evil planet that is so unsafe for all children. May it be a place where mommies are not monsters, and weak wicked grandparents do not lie, just to make evil murdering mommies look human...

    Aimee Michael and her mother sentenced 


    {This is a response to yet another mindless rant by Hobama Nazi Tom Joyner. It is the third of three such responses...and counting. Shame!!!...


    http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=blog_inner/29954/1573138/The%20Fly%20Jock  }



    Tom Joyner/TJMS/The Jigaboo Minstrel Show:

    Why are you so angry with Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West? They have never lied on Hobama! Hobama is a worse clone of his cousin King Shrub/George W. Bush. Millions see Hobama/Barack Obama behaving like a dick globally each day!!! What millions see has NOTHING to do with the 20/20 vision that Tavis and Cornel posess. 

    How dare you pretend that any sane person needs Tavis or Cornel to "set a tone" for the glaring and global evils that Hobama has executed and unleashed. Endless wars, joblessness, and homelessnes all clearly set their own toxic tones among intelligent masses. Only foolish Hobama Nazis like you need to blame others for what the rabidly elitist and ruthlessly corporatist Hobama has earned via his very own blackish hands!

    You claim you have tabled a letter to Tavis? Did you decide to remain silent because you know that Tavis and Cornel have been far too reticent and respectful as they call Hobama out? Was it because Hobama has become far more elitist, evil, and endlessly warmongering than either Tavis or Cornel ever clairvoyantly predicted or even imagined? Could it possibly be because Tavis' brave and prophetic book, ACCOUNTABLE: MAKING AMERICA AS GOOD AS ITS PROMISE, instantly nullifies any fan mail that any Hobama Nazi drone like you could compose in 2011? Might it be because the Hobama who spoke of hope and change in 2008 has grossly morphed into a hopelessly unchanged and more brutal, bloody, bankster, black agendaless clone of King Shrub in 2011?

    Perhaps it is simply because Tavis and Cornel are simply more eloquent at examining and exposing Hobama than you are at excusing and enabling him? Hobama has done absolutely NOTHING but ignore and impoverish the bulk of your poor black fans. Al Sharpton has done nothing but play Hobama Nazi Vote Czar to the very black mongrels for whom Hobama refuses to fashion even a single agenda!

    Unlike you, Tavis and Cornel have been consistent as they have loved black people!!! Unlike you and your fellow black racists, who suddenly love King Shrub and Ronny Raygun/Ronald Reagan because Hobama is a clone of both his cousin and his self described hero, respectively, Tavis and Cornel defiantly stand against fascism and elitism. Unlike you and your racist Hobama Nazi peers, Tavis and Cornel do not coddle and excuse Hobama. They call Hobama out!

    The Amerikkan empire has not changed. Neither has its emperor. Both are only blackfaced by the blackish hoax that is Hobama. 

    Tavis and Cornel know that Hobama is a complicated clone of King Shrub. They know that Hobama is owned and ruled by corporations and banksters. They know that no white male president has ever been allowed to ignore and abuse blacks like Hobama has. They know that Mark Halperin told a tacky truth. And, they know that honesty trumps crassness!!!

    Mark is tacky. But, he is no liar! Hobama is a dick indeed and so are you! Like the heroic rebel heroes Tavis, Cornel, Harry Belafonte, Lupe Fiasco, and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson...you dicks prick in packs. How dare an amoral minstrel male Hobama girl like you sling homohating slurs ("side piece"???) at real afrocentric alpha male warriors like Tavis and Cornel??? Who could possibly be bigger bottom bitches for that pimp dick Hobama than you and the sold out permed out Sharpton??? You have turned your minstrel show into a perpetual public relations machine for both Hobama and Sharpton. 

    Unlike the clairvoyant sage Tavis and I, Cornel once loved Hobama. Alice Walker loved Hobama once also. If Cornel and Alice can see that Hobama is an evil hoax who has morphed into an even bloodier terrorist than King Shrub, why are you still a blind lovesick male Hobama girl? Alice simply refuses to be Hobama's adoring side piece as you are. Are you also going to bash and slander Alice as you do Tavis and Cornel?

    How dare you politically suicidal and masochistic black mongrel Hobama Nazis demand that anyone pretend that we do not clearly see beneath Hobama's blackish skin, just because you refuse to do the same?!! How dare you pretend that Hobama's blackish hands are saintly as he executes global evils for banksters, oil, opium, and gold. Millionaires like you and Hobama are selfish and amoral?!!

    I hope your next blog is about Hobama's charter school scams, deliberate destruction of public schools, or internet apartheid schemes. Please tell us more about your own primary goals via your telecommunication posses. Did you sell out to Hobama for his belated HBCU bounties?

    Tavis, Cornel, Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover, Debra Dickerson, and every other sane person in America who is paying attention to Hobama knows that he is a classic dick. We have the right to call him a dick just as you have the right to adore him like a blackish false God. Your love is suicidal and politically insane. Our honesty and hate are mandatory for political survival and revolutionary rebellion.

    Those who live in glass houses should never hurl stones. No one has bromanced Hobama more adoringly than you. You have been Hobama's syndicated side piece in stereo! You have been Hobama's best bitch. Hobama is a legendary dick. And, you are Hobama's most loyal dick rider. You influence millions of mindless, blind, illiterate, and racist black sheeple who vote daily. Nothing and no one is more dangerous than that!!!

    Use your brain to free your mind and your side piece ass will follow. Focus on Hobama's horrid deeds rather than his blackish skin and your red hot man crush. That focal clarity may set your soul free...



    Tom Joyner


     Accountable: Making America as Good as Its PromiseA Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream MediaBarack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War AbroadGangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington ThugocracyThe Empire's New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of PowerThe Mendacity of Hope: Barack Obama and the Betrayal of American LiberalismYoung Mr. Obama: Chicago and the Making of a Black PresidentBlack Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma (English and English Edition)The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American ExtremistsCrimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack ObamaCulture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and CroniesCatastropheWhy Obama's Government Takeover of Health Care Will Be a Disaster (Encounter Broadsides)How Barack Obama is Bankrupting the U.S. Economy (Encounter Broadsides)Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall StreetObamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union BossesSeeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How to Reclaim American ProsperityThe Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial PresidencyWhy ObamaCare is Wrong for America: How the New Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government in Charge of Your Decisions, and Threatens Your Constitutional RightsPresident Obama's Tax Piracy (Encounter Broadsides)How Barack Obama is Bankrupting the U.S. Economy (Encounter Broadsides)


    President Barack Obama answers questions on the ongoing budget negotiations during a press conference in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, July 15, 2011. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)Mr. Fish's CartoonObama Campaign CyncicismDebt Ceiling NegotiationsBlack Tea Partiers to Protest NAACP