August 29, 2011


    8/29/11 - I have conducted exhaustive research on Hobama's forged long form birth certificate. I have also completed reading a superbly researched new book: "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?  - THE CASE THAT BARACK OBAMA IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT" by Dr. Jerome Corsi. I suggest you do the same ASAP!!!

    I have concluded, again and anew, that Hobama is a generational CIA agent who was born in Kenya.

    In 2012, Hobama will be selected to reign within a second illegal presidency...SHAME!!!!!!!

    I am reposting my initial column to officially negate the undeserved apology I composed. Unlike Hobama, I always keep my promises. And, I always will. See more:  }


    Memo to Hobama: YOU LIE!!!!!!!...







    “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”

                                                           - John F. Kennedy 



    Hobama/King Shrub 2.0 has proven to be a pathological liar. He continues to tell blatant lies daily. Why would anyone believe that he is not also lying about his birth?


    The truth is its own defense. Those who tell truths are usually despised. Jesus was literally crucified for the truths he told to those comfortable with sacred adherence to religious myths. Ignorance is still bliss.


    Only those who are arrogantly ignorant about all of the countless lies that Obama tells would deny that his stories about his birth may be typically embellished. He has embellished the life of an uncle who was allegedly interred in a Nazi death camp. He has embellished the initial meeting of his biological parents. He has embellished the fictitious poverty of his elite grandparents and his blue blood. He has embellished his relationship with his blood cousins and mentors George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, while expertly and perpetually posing as their nemesis. He has embellished the entire elaborate hoax that is his exotic biography. Why would he exclusively resist embellishing a birthplace that may expose him as an even greater and bolder fraud than we already know him to be?


    Obama has been brazenly secretive and arrogantly reticent about many details of his allegedly charmed and seemingly fairy-tale political life. He has been more transparent, played golfed more, and vacationed more than Bush. To date, we have not seen Obama’s academic records. We have not seen his medical records. Why should we believe that he has exclusively revealed his actual birth certificate?


    Do you recall when the moronic George W. Bush accidentally announced that his brother Jeb promised him Florida long before he “won” Florida? Do you recall when Bush accidentally admitted that his illegal military strike against Iraq was a personal vendetta for Saddam Hussein’s alleged attempted assassination of his “daddy” George H. W. Bush?


    Bush made those bold public statements simply because he had the power to do so. He knew he was selected by and connected to the elitists who rule our world. He knew there would be no reprimand or sanction. Every similarly brazen antic by his blackish cousin Hobama will be similarly unchecked. Obama has also been selected and connected beyond any repercussions for his belatedly proven ineligibility to become president. The Hobama hoax is a done deal until 2016.


    No lie lives forever. I do not believe a single word that Hobama and his evil elitist peers ever utter. That includes any claims Hobama makes about the eligibility of his birth and the authenticity of his soul. SHAME!!!!!!!





    The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama


     Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be PresidentDeconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern PresidentThe Obama Error


    President Barack ObamaThe AmateurHuffy ObamaThe Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama

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