August 2, 2011


    {8/2/11 - Tom Joyner has penned yet another psycho and pathetic love letter to Hobama.

     See Tom's amazingly amoral adoration here:

     This is my righteous rebel rant in reply.}



    "And it must be clear: these cuts are only the beginning. Spokesmen for the financial elite, such as the Wall Street Journal editorial board, are pressing for trillions in additional cuts, including the outright destruction of Medicare and Social Security, which are to be privatized and effectively abolished. Obama and the Democrats differ only on the tactical means for carrying out this historic assault on the working class.

    In the final analysis, this social counterrevolution is an expression of the historical crisis and bankruptcy of American capitalism. The ruling class is determined to destroy every vestige of the gains won by American workers in a century of struggle in order to defend their own property and profits.

    Working people can carry out a serious struggle against this onslaught only by recognizing its fundamental economic source. The defense of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs requires a political struggle against the profit system. The working class must break with the Democrats, mobilize in opposition to the Obama administration, and build an independent political movement of its own, based on a socialist and internationalist program."


    "If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America"



    ATTN: Tom Joyner/The Jigaboo Minstrel Show's 2012 Black Vote Czar:



    All opinions should be based upon facts. Your love letters always digress from any factual examinations of glaring political misdeeds. The fact is that Hobama/“President” Barack Obama has been the most rabidly elitist and racist president in American history.

    Even Hobama's most blind Nazi fans, like you, now only dare to defend Hobama on two trifling and apolitical counts:


    1. Any other president would be worse.”


    2. Hobama is black and all blacks must blindly vote for him.”


    On both bogus counts, ALL of you black racist fools lie like Hobama!!! You whine like Hobama is YOUR mama! YOU need to focus on Hobama's bloody red global realities, and upon his corporate green actions FAR beyond his blackish bankster skin.

    The righteous and international hatreds that Hobama's ruthless betrayals have earned are real. They trump your mindless media mantras and collective coon cheer leading. No one is harming the public more than you.

    Hobama has ignored, insulted, tricked, and robbed your poor black fans since 2007. Yet, you demand that they vote for more of Hobama's black agenda-less genocide in 2012. You cheer more loudly for your belovedly bromanced DL Hobama each day.

    Your bitchy, blind, and lovesick antics are morbidly amusing, as you fashion your redundant, repulsive, and obsessed 2012 Hobama campaign. It is revealing that you “skip the facts” as you pen your politically suicidal and masochistic love sonnets to Hobama. You boldly do so even as Hobama flaunts his glaring apathy for you black mongrels and his secured serial selected presidencies.

    Your brazen, fleeting, and fallacious references to the brave pacifist Dr. Martin Luther King, the courageous banker slayer President John F. Kennedy, and the heroic black warrior Malcolm X are morbid and humorless slander. All three of these great men would despise the corporatist and warmongering lap dog Hobama, as he abuses all who are black and poor, and empowers all banksters globally.

    Like your evil and elitist idol Hobama, you DO realize the harm you spew and the lies you tell. Like Al Sharpton, that makes you a deliberate seller of your own soul. Your personal sabotage is your prerogative. But, allowing your syndicated minstrel show to become an uncensored bull horn/mindless domain for unchecked black mongrel vote czars, makes you more than a mere saboteur within black America. It makes you a dangerously demonic peer of that bona fide warlock Jay-Z! SHAME!!!!!!

    Those of us who refuse to be blind to the money green evils of Hobama and his white racist rulers will never sell our souls as you all do. We refuse to judge the blackish Hobama exclusively by the color of his yellow skin. We defy you racist and colorist clowns as you cheer the Bilderbergers' global hatchet man Hobama. We will continue to expose Hobama's evil deeds outside of your amoral studios.

    We are taking notes and recording names for the black progeny that Hobama and his banksters have already slain for decades via endless deceit and debt. We pray that Hobama will suffer the very same fate at the polls in 2012 that he wrought upon his own politico peers in 2010. We will no longer be duped by voting charades hosted within the singular elitist party that poses as both Democrat and Republican, while playing good cop/bad cop with American people, taxes, and lives.

    Any poor, illiterate, hypnotized, lobotomized, and blind black fool who votes for Hobama in 2012 is actually insane. They are doubly insane if they do so at your, or Al Sharpton's, direction. And, they deserve whatever additional insanity they shall endure via Hobama. No president could ever be more ruthless than Hobama has been simply because adoring black mongrels would never allow any other president to be so.

    No fans of any other president would ever act like racist Hobama Nazis, who slay and slander all rebels of all races who dare to call Hobama out. No DL president would ever be ignored like the DL Hobama, by black homohaters who exclusively guard sexual secrets of players with blackish pimp swaggers. No other president could ever inspire minstrels like you and that permed out and sold out Sharpton to dance such genocidal jigs.

    What “prize” has Hobama given to anyone who is not a bankster or a war profiteer??? Where should poor black people cast their eyes to find one single political gift from Hobama? Why do you perpetually slander Tavis Smiley? Why do you pretend that Tavis has not been a clairvoyant and reticent hero regarding that joker Hobama?

    Is that envy you constantly display evoked by Tavis' vocabulary being 50 times more extensive than your own? How do you feel about Hobama being over 50 times less wise, moral, and competent than those stellar and soulful sages, Tavis or Dr. Cornel West, ever predicted? How can you be 50 times more perpetually blind to Hobama's evil antics than most of your reformed and belatedly awakened Hobama Nazi peers?

    No lovestruck and man crushed Hobama Nazi minstrel has been more hateful, petty, envious, blind, catty, dirty, evil, and arrogantly ignorant than YOU!!! You have coddled, excused, cheered, praised, and sucked Hobama incessantly! SHAME!!!!!!! Tavis is the real man whom that hoax Hobama will NEVER be! Tavis is 50 times the truer and more noble warrior brother, whom elitist and bitchy groupies and jokers like you and Sharpton will NEVER be!!!

    Your mission is to pretend that Hobama's rancid yellow piss is revolutionary black salvation. You proudly help him slay the very poor black mongrels who bother to tune into your horridly ignorant “show”. You are the star of a posse of blind and racist poster boys for the dumbed down spiritual and political deaths of African-American people.

    The fact is: Hobama has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING beneficial for poor people of any race in America!!! Hobama has robbed and ignored your black mongrel “radio” fans most! You orgasmically share rivers of blood that flow from Hobama's blackish bankster hands. You viciously use The Jigaboo Minstrel Show to spew that blood upon the mindless masses.

    Focus upon the blood you and Hobama drain from Black America!!

    Focus upon how millions of us and our progeny will suffer and drown in that bankster bilked blood for decades. Unlike you, we refuse to judge that destroyer Hobama by the color of his half black blood. We will never ignore our own black bloodshed ONLY because Hobama's colorless destruction is camouflaged by his blackish skin!!!

    No minstrel like YOU will EVER share our revolutionary mission! Unlike Tavis, you have never been in our poor black tribe. Unlike Tavis and Dr. Cornel West, you and Sharpton are no regal leaders. You are two bitchy wicked witch doctors.

    Keeping ALL of you hopelessly unchanged and lovesick Hobama Nazi fools at a distance is the only way that we, who defiantly and righteously see beneath and beyond Hobama's blackish skin, will ever be victorious. Hobama has just begun to shed our collective, poor, and black blood.



     schizophreniaBought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall StreetThe Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War AbroadObamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union BossesDeconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern President

     Boxes of breath mints, like this one pictured at Vice Chancellor for Communication Margie Nichols' office on Wednesday, were taken off of the shelves at a University of Tennessee bookstore after state Rep. Joe Armstrong asked the bookstore to remove them. (Saul Young/News Sentinel)


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