September 4, 2010






    The debate over same sex marriage is a legendary example of deliberate distraction.  In this election year, when the New World Order looms over record poverty, unemployment, downsizing, biological  warfare, starvation, homelessness, skyrocketing tuition, prison labor, mandatory sentencing, and much more, homosexual marriage is a SHOCKINGLY MEANINGLESS issue; chosen as an EQUALLY shocking and transparent political smokescreen.

    The same hypocrites who dare to claim that  the government should never legalize such “sinful” unions, demand that the government uniquely demonize homosexuals as sinners who should never be united in sacred matrimony. The same neocons who claim they want the government out of rabid capitalist boardrooms encourage the selective policing of homosexual bedrooms.

    Hatred is a family value to members of the demonic wrong who blasphemously masquerade as the “religious right”. Homosexuals are being scapegoated as the supreme destroyers of “The American Family”. If homosexual families are legalized, the blame for America’s broken families would have to be placed upon those who DESERVE it!!! (i.e. all of the deadbeat dads; all of the CEO’s who deliberately fashion poverty, joblessness and a permanent underclass; all of  the politicians who criminalize poverty, and encourage incarceration/orphans/perpetual welfare etc.; all of the crack, cocaine, and alcohol dealers from the White House to the corner store….)

    Sound bytes are easier to create if you speak of only one enemy; even if that enemy is a fictitious one. Homosexuals are the fabricated enemies of choice for those the new creator of political sounds bytes.

    In reality ( a place where bigots never dwell), “family” is a diverse and limitless configuration of persons who share their lives. Spouses are persons who share their lives in any monogamous union. There are millions of happy, healthy homosexual families and spouses everywhere. Soul mates are wed in their hearts, where it matters. No one needs to legally sanction their souls!!!

    To those of you who join these racist pseudo-christians in their buybull gaybashing, do not dare forget the following: 


    Homosexual spouses can never do SO MUCH that you take for granted, like share medical benefits or rent a car as a couple...

    Homosexuals can never make foreign spouses U.S. citizens.

    Homosexual spouses are at the mercy of estranged, gaybashing relatives who rob our spouses, upon our deaths, because homophobia denies us any spousal property rights.

    Homosexuals can be legally ejected from their spouses’ death beds inside hospitals.

    Gaybashing kin can rush to steal assets and make medical decisions in lieu of homosexual spouses anytime they choose to do so.

    Homosexual are the new “niggers” in America. But all Blacks are STILL regarded as preferred niggers globally!!! Black gay men are double niggers. Black lesbians are triple niggers as we are Black, female, and gay in a world that is simultaneously racist, sexist and homohating.

    Heterosexuals who dare to paint marriage as some elite, institutional utopia forget soaring divorce rates. They forget droves of battered spouses, alive and dead. But, most of all, they forget the hypocritical politicians (including weak, waffling “Slick Willie” Bill Clinton) who are legally  married adulterers/pedophiles/whoremongers/ closeted gays/habitual divorcees/etc.....They DISGRACE marriage far more than any loving homosexual spouses EVER could!!!   



    {This is dedicated to all of my fellow homosexual warriors for justice: Audre Lorde, Angela Davis, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin, and many more...AB}  


    Jesse Jackson has decided that gay marriages should be banned. Clearly, marriage is so sacred and holy to Jesse that he recently impregnated one woman while he was sacredly and legally married to another.

    What is next for this adulterous “baby daddy”? The pre-baby daddy Jesse feigned that he believed gays were human beings who deserved fully equal civil and human rights, while he was pimping our votes for his presidential bid or begging for gay dollars in his Rainbow Coalition.  The pre-baby daddy Jesse was “Captain Human”. The new post-baby daddy Jesse sounds just like every other adulterous, hypocritical, gaybashing, unread bible toting, psuedo-christian preacher peer. His buybull is shameful!!!!

    Why is Jesse changing up his rhymes so now? Will Jesse now become King Shrub’s/President Select George W. Bush’s vice-presidential running mate?  Will Dick Cheney suddenly drop out of King Shrub’s campaign rather than continue to betray his very own lesbian daughter? Stranger things have happened. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. And, indeed, gaybashers get stranger everyday.

    I have stated for decades and I will always believe that African-American and global African gaybashers are the most rabid gaybashers on earth. See the links below regarding reggae music’s routinely bloody gaybashing lyrics, the gaybashing legacies of civil rights leaders and academic scholars who continue to betray and disrespect superior and legendary black warriors and intellectuals who are homosexual, the syncopated sexism and misogyny on crack that fuel most rap music lyrics, ignorant miseducated black preachers who chant mantras of ancient hateful biblical lies about homosexuals as weekly Sunday sermons…

    These vicious black gaybashers get stranger every day. Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:


    Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one  man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)

    Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles 11:21)

    A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)

    Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden. (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)  

    Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)

    If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be 
    otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-10)

    Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew 5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)

    Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10) …

    Perhaps most strangely of all to date: Black people who know that King Shrub is a thief, a liar, a racist, a warmonger, and a global mass murderer who has literally  destroyed America’s economy, educational arenas, and international security will  actually vote for him soon simply because he hates homosexuals.

    More intensifying strangeness looms...These strange political sagas continue and worsen daily...

    Where there is no justice, there will never be any peace. We homosexuals are humans. We are who we are born to be. We demand the very same human rights as all  other humans. We demand that humans who gaybash, hate, and fear us get over all  of those personal problems immediately. We refuse to allow you to legislate those personal problems into any constitutional law!!!

    Whether we ever legally marry or not, our sacred and divine homosexual loves live eternally to defy you!!!

    The entire gay marriage debate is a political blinder, deliberately designed by Republikkkans to garner new/actual votes for King Shrub.  Remember this: King Shrub is gunning for gays tonight. But, King Shrub will be gunning for you in the morning. King Shrub has and will continue to destroy all American lives. Only a heterosexual fool will be blinded by such deliberate homosexual distractions...

    Black people who witnessed a racist moron and his brazenly evil brother and other politrickal allies steal an entire election, by tampering with democracy and national voter processes, are eager to allow this same thief to tamper with the U. S. Constitution.

    Black people who believe that the very same Constitution that had to be amended to remind Americans that slavery was legal, that slaves were property on all American soil, and that blacks can vote, truly feel that same Constitution should now be amended to remind gays that we are lesser humans who can never marry.

    Black people who were legally forbidden to marry white lovers now encourage and plan to vote for the very same marital outlawing of gay spouses.

    More than 66% of black heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Yet, Black people dare to feign that homosexual weddings will “destabilize” marriage.

    Black people who dare to lament how “The Black Family” is wounded by countless toxic, sexist, dysfunctional, criminal, misogynist, pathological heterosexuals can never explain how positive homosexuals hurt any black family.  Black people would rather lament absent or toxic heterosexual family members than respect and honor superior homosexual family members who are present and productive.

    Black people, who increasingly define “family” as a poor, single, uneducated mother with children by multiple fathers, dare to deny two stable, professional, educated, gainfully employed gay persons the legal right to rear biological or adoptive children as married parents.

    Black people who truly believe that homosexuals arbitrarily choose to be gay can never ever give one valid reason why any person would ever choose to be homosexual.

    Black people refuse to accept scientific evidence that proves that homosexuals are born into literally every living species. Accurately, Black people never refer to heterosexuality as a mere “lifestyle”. Black people do define and revere “pimping” as a lifestyle and they dare to equate being born a homosexual with being a pimp.

    Black people who know all about the infamous “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment” and countless other documented cases of federally sanctioned biological and chemical warfare dare to believe that AIDS is a plague from God created to kill homosexuals.

    Black people who know that sexually transmitted AIDS never affects exclusive lesbians refuse to believe that lesbians are God’s chosen people. Black people refuse to accept the documented fact that King James was a homosexual, even as they use his own misinterpreted bible to gaybash.

    Black people were abused by the bible and other religious texts, and wounded by white supremacist and sexist religions, which made their own global kidnapping and enslavement divine, and annihilated their own African religions that are rooted in female polygoddesses. Yet, black people have decided to embrace that very same racist and sexist book/buybull, penned by sexist and racist human men, to lend a similarly evil and false divinity to their hatred and abuse of gays.

    Black homosexuals, who are habitually verbally, emotionally, and spiritually tortured by gaybashing hypocritical preachers, still attend their hateful and sinful “Christian” churches faithfully and pay tithes. Gay dollars are NEVER rejected by gaybashing preachers. Masochistic gay fools must stop attending and tithing at homohating churches!!!


    These are the words of Reverend Martin Niemoeller. They were his explanation of why he spoke out against the Nazis. He spent eight years in concentration camps for leading The Protestant Church's opposition to Adolph Hitler. The Nazis imprisoned him at Sachsenhausen in 1937 for criticizing the Third Reich. He was freed from Dachau in 1945. He died at the age of 92 on March 6, 1984.


    "They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not object.

    They came after the Catholics, and I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.

    They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so I did not object.

    Then they came after me and there was nobody left to object."


    For more information on King James's very own homosexuality, read:








    JAMES I : THE FOOL AS KING    by O. Scott



    A HISTORY OF ENGLAND    by S. Gardiner

    IN THE BEGINNING by A. McGrath





    Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta, left, kisses her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek in Virginia Beach, Va. Gaeta's ship returned from 80 days at sea on Wednesday.

    Do Americans unanimously support interracial marriage?

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