December 16, 2011



    {I dedicate this column to Hattie elegant black actress who was always forced to play a racist caricature of an ignorant and undignified maid. She would have adored the realistic and revolutionary evolution of the imagery of the black maid that is featured in “THE HELP”...AB }


    NEW ORLEANS featured Holiday’s only major film role. Holiday had several musical numbers in the film, however, she was unhappy that her role was that of a maid. In her autobiography, she wrote:

    I thought I was going to play myself in it. I thought I was going to be Billie Holiday doing a couple of songs in a nightclub setting and that would be that. I should have known better. When I saw the script, I did. You just tell one Negro girl who’s made movies who didn’t play a maid or a whore. I don’t know any. I found out I was going to do a little singing, but I was still playing the part of a maid.”

     Billie Holiday - 1947 - Autobiography - “Lady Sings the Blues”



     One senses that for many, the sheer fact that the movie is about black maids prepared them to sharpen their pencils to decry dusted off Queenies and Beulahs, with the actual content of the movie of little interest.

    We dishonor black people of the past in assuming that they spent their entire lives fuming at the white man and suffering his abuse. As human beings with a survival instinct, they carved meaningful existences out of what they had been given. This included laughing and good times and, yes, some of it was between whites and blacks.

    Nuance, we suppose, such as when Aibileen, soberly describing what it’s like to raise other people’s children while your own are at home—or dead—recounts to Skeeter how another white toddler she all but raised asked why she was black and Aibileen jokingly said it was because she had drunk too much coffee. Davis imitates the toddler’s facial expression and drifts into laughter through near tears. It’s a heartbreaking passage, worthy of an Oscar alone. No “nuance” here?”

    John McWhorter - The New Republic - 8-17-11


    Any movie about the racist South that ends with the black heroine walking off to a brighter future, instead of with a lynching or assassination, is worth the admission and the $5.50 bag of popcorn.

    Also, I don’t think I’ve ever considered the complex relationships that must have developed between the white families and the black women who raised white children, cleaned white houses and kept white secrets.”

    Mary Mitchell - Chicago Sun-Times - 8-12-11



    Truth is stranger than fiction. Most people major in the minor. Most of the trifling people complaining about the film “THE HELP” have never seen any scene within it. If they dared to do so, they would adore the film as I do.

    I continue to be increasingly amazed by the arrogant ignorance of the racist clueless masses of people who never think independently in America. Americans are generally illiterate. They would rather watch mindless sitcoms than cerebral films. They are ahistorical and entertained to death. TV typically kills the brain first.

    This is a film for thinkers. It is set in 1963. That is the year I was born. It was a year of rage in my birthplace of Chicago, Illinois. Chicago was a world away from Jackson, Mississippi in 1963. In 2011, the distance is still far too vast.

    I am amazed by how many racist blacks still pretend that a half black president in the White House represents real racial change anywhere. Racism is no relic. "President" Barack Obama/Hobama/GWB 2.0 has been the most rabidly warmongering, racist, elitist, bankster president in the history of the world. Yet, few are as enraged at that current reality, as those who are so enraged that they slander this epic film.

    Those who are curiously and senselessly outraged by the intelligent, brave, and dignified black women, who honor all domestics with their regal performances, are reacting stupidly to one great fictional tale set in 1963. Yet, the reality of millions of educated black women actually being forced to become domestics in 2011, due to the bilking of states' federal funds, by the blackish Hobama and his beloved white banksters, leaves these same racist Hobama fans unfazed!

    Those who are actively boycotting this film, set in 1963, are doing absolutely nothing to stop the ruthless Hobama from robbing federal coffers and pimping masochistic black voters beyond 2012. Those who are slandering the makers of this film are completely silent about the droves of teachers who are actually becoming nannies/maids anew!!! They are unemployed educators whom Hobama's designer poverty and clandestine slaughters of public schools have destroyed financially. 

    Those Hobama Nazis who engage in collectively and arrogantly ignorant groupthink can never honestly answer valid questions about this film. They dishonestly and deliberately evade and ignore relevant racial and political queries like:


    Were many black women actually maids in Mississippi in 1963?


    Are the maids in this film FAR FROM clones of Hattie McDaniel/Butterfly McQueen in "GONE WITH THE WIND"?


    Does this film include positive and negative characters in both races?


    Are the most inhumane villains in this film white women?


    Are the black maids in this film superior parents and people?


    Are these black maids revolutionary warriors?


    Does this film excellently depict realistic rabid racism?


    Does this film capture the collective pain of the murder of our hero Medgar Evers?


    Are these black maids courageous victors?


    Will you always recall this classic film when you gaze upon chocolate pie?...


    For those who are wise enough to watch the film with their third eye, and process what they see with their own mind, the sane and honest answer to each question posed above is a resounding “YES!!!”. The superb cast has delivered an eternal classic for all who dare to share their awesome heartfelt creation. See their wondrous work today.

    The global hoax of the blackish Hobama has dumbed down the racist masses. Yet, political sanity trumps political swagger. Civil rights movements trump "post-racial" madness. And, timeless dignity trumps domestic survival.

    See this classic film today! It will make you cry. It will make you laugh. It will enrage you. It will make you proud. It will inspire you to fight back against any oppressors. Most of all, it will make you say a prayer of thanks to every black warrior who has ever walked before you; especially those black maids who walked with regular mops and brooms which they held like regal swords and staffs.





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