September 11, 2010


    I love to hear intimate stories about the beautiful black boy Michael Jackson whom I adore. His mom Katherine speaks fondly about how Michael never moved or crawled like his siblings. His moves were more graceful and gliding from birth. I never crawled either. I scooted with my legs extended in front of me until I walked…I believe that all homosexual children learn at very early ages to move differently in the world. We are born dancing to the beat of different drummers. We learn to survive by embracing our special rhythms…

    Exactly six months before Michael Jackson’s tragic death, stellar journalist Ian Halperin predicted that Michael was approximately six months away from a drug overdose. Hauntingly, that prediction came fatally true. Those few fans that are honest admit that Michael was a drug addict for over a decade.

    It is starkly and visibly clear that Michael became insanely white supremacist. From his bleached skin, to his surgically mutilated caricature of a typical European face, to the complete erasure of his originally beautiful African nose, to the eugenics of the three custom made Caucasian children he purchased like purebred pets, Michael grotesquely and perpetually reinvented his entire being.

    As detailed in Randy Taraborrelli’s superb 1991 biography, "Michael Jackson: The Magic and the Madness", there is much evidence that suggests Michael was born a beautiful and gifted homosexual boy. Cursed by birth into a family of macho whores, his homosexuality was forbidden and doomed into the dementia we came to witness. Poet Sapphire penned a powerful poem that suggested the same sexual tragedy in her classic 1999 book of prose entitled "Black Wings & Blind Angels: Poems".

    Had Michael’s sane homosexual spirit not been tortured to death by the typically homohating Jehovah Witness religion or tormented by his groupie loving heterosexual whore father and brothers, perhaps he could have grown to be a happy and mature homosexual man. But, like so many deeply closeted gay priests driven to pedophilia by the insanity of forced celibacy and psychoses of religious self-hatred, Michael went visibly insane before he died.

    Now, the clairvoyant Halperin has penned a book that chronicles the closeted homosexual life that Michael lived: "Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson". The very same fans that brazenly ignore Michael’s dated list of legal woes from a harem of boy accusers, his endless and monstrous facial surgeries, and his exclusively white purchased children, will also dismiss this expertly researched book.

    Unlike lies, denial is eternal. But, no lies can live forever; not even lies lived by timeless and uniquely gifted superstars like Michael Jackson….

    Read this revealing and brave book today. And, please pray that Michael’s tortured black gay soul has finally found some eternal peace.





    The truth is its own defense. I have read/heard so many lies about the adult Michael Jackson that they are starting to repulse me as much as his gruesomely mutilated white face did…

    Finally I have read a column about Michael that is even more brutally honest than my own.

    For those seeking only sane and sober accounts of the psychotic adult Michael, it does not get any better than this! Enjoy:


    WOW!! Kudos to author Bill Wyman: Thank you for not revising Michael’s adult history and fabricating his afrocentrism and innocence as so many of his fans are doing incessantly and shamelessly!!!





    Life is not fair. Not even for beloved and irreplaceable superstars like Michael Jackson. Michael died broke. Yet, those who bilked him are still being paid for bogus interviews.

    Michael was a pathological liar. Michael isolated himself behind a posse of coddlers and enablers who were paid well to lie about him even more than he lied about himself. After weeks of Jermaine Jackson incessantly denying that Michael was a drug addict, we now know that the Jackson family worked hard to secure an intervention and save Michael from his extensive drug addictions long ago…

    Larry King interviewed one of Michael’s most intimate leeches on CNN. He is dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. “Arnie” Klein is Debbie Rowe’s former boss. He is Michael’s most recent chief plastic surgeon. And, Arnie looks a lot like the two eldest children Michael purchased.

    In case you missed this very strange public relations charade, here is a recap of some of the incredible claims Arnie made during this surreal interview:

    Arnie is not actually a plastic surgeon. He just played one on Michael’s face and nose.

    Arnie donated sperm to a random sperm bank once, which may have miraculously ended up in the DNA of Michael’s two eldest children.

    Debbie Rowe had a real sexual marriage with Michael.

    Arnie and Debbie actually care about the children whom they may have coincidentally created together. It is their mutually genuine parental love, rather than the millions they have been paid, that motivates them to be twisted key players in this strange biological saga.

    Michael had vitiligo. Arnie treated that vitiligo by helping him become the evenly whitest person in the world. Michael miraculously had no brown freckles or blotches like every other person on earth with vitiligo.

    Michael was a drug addict, but he did not die or lose his hair due to his diverse drug addictions.

    Michael had lupus and that may have killed him. Michael’s extreme drug addictions did not kill him.

    Michael wore masks only as fashion statements, never to hide his perpetual cosmetic surgeries.

    Michael’s children only wore masks as matching fashion statements, never to hide their white race.

    Michael loved being a black person. Yet, he just wanted white skin and white children and white facial features…





    [This column is dedicated to Janet Jackson...I adore her and I always will. That adoration has kept me silent about her brother Michael...until now. Disgust is stronger than adoration. Silence will never protect us...]

    I view destiny as reality. I have lived a wonderful professional life. I have chosen varied and exciting academic and occupational experiences. I believe that I was destined to choose only three professions. I feel I was born to be a writer, a radio star, and a legendary defense attorney. I am truly blessed to have achieved two out of three of my destined professional goals. I will never accomplish the third. I will never become an attorney.

    In 1976, as a 12 year old University High School student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), I was obsessed with becoming a great lawyer. Fortunately, I was able to passionately engage in mock legal trials. I was revered as a superior defense attorney. The unique exposure I gained as an apprentice to several actual lawyers gave me an exceptionally keen sense of exactly what the criminal justice system was really like. To date, Al Pacino is one of my favorite movie stars for his superb role in "And Justice For All", one of the best depictions of the ugly realities of criminal law ever filmed.

    By 1984, as a 20 year old graduating UIUC senior with a major in Speech Communications/Pre-Law, I was sufficiently and indelibly jaded by my awareness of precisely how racist, elitist, sexist, hopelessly corrupt, and perpetually unjust Amerikkka's "justice" system was. In 2005, that system continues to become viler daily...

    In 1984, I chose to skip law school, and I have never looked back with regret. I decided to use my debate skills to become a legendary and cerebral radio talk show host. Each day, national legal headlines remind me that I truly made the right decision. I am deeply grateful for that reminder always.

    Most people are poor and assigned public defenders in Amerikkkan courts. Dream Teams are mere dreams for most black defendants. Black citizens are publicly beaten and executed by police daily. For people who are not iconic celebrities, racism and elitism nullify justice. Justice often becomes a curse of "just us”.

    Yet, the trials of Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, and O. J. Simpson prove that "justice" is indeed for sale. Many insane verdicts in countless other trials prove that average Americans are becoming more ignorant. Many dubious incidents that grossly suggest celebrity criminality never even make it to trial; like those of Jon and Patsy Ramsey, William Shatner, Robert Wagner etc.... Prosecutors and police investigators are increasingly incompetent. And, jurors are increasingly moronic.

    What pains me most is that Michael is the only man in America who is more eurocentric than O. J. Simpson. Michael has proven that he is a pathological liar as he continues to lie about his blatant cosmetic surgeries, two sham marriages to Caucasian females, fabricated police brutality during his pre-trial arrest, sympathy evoking antics during the trial, the glaring bleaching of his skin, and the visibly Nordic genes of his children. Michael's own genes can never be bleached. But, the whitening of his reputation has clearly begun.

    As a 41 year old eternal fan of the young Michael, I will always adore the memory of that beautiful, gifted, ebony skinned, African-American boy that he once was. I will always love his wonderful music and dancing. Likewise, I will always loathe the gruesome, phony, devious, ghastly, ghoulish, twisted, anemic, Caucasian pedophile that he has surgically and chemically chosen to become. Those white supremacists who initially claim that they cannot understand my repulsion and resentment need only envision Elvis Presley choosing to physically morph into Naomi Campbell. Then, they tend to feel my pain.

    For the record, I believe that Michael's expensive attorneys won this case legally and fairly. That is far more than I can say for O.J.’s nightmarishly amoral "Dream Team”. You get what you pay for, especially in courts of law. Irrespective of Michael's most recent legal victory, research proves that he has paid millions to several parents who have pimped several boys to him. Many books and legal documents prove that Michael has indeed molested many other boys irrespective of this most recent public accuser, whose attorneys miserably failed to prove his case in court.

    Research also proved that Mike Tyson was a rapist. But, no one believed this until Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear before the eyes of billions in global prime time. Only after the public glimpse of the worst within Tyson did some question what else he may have done in the wee hours of the morning, with a naive groupie, behind closed doors.

    Michael won this case because his attorneys expertly exposed nearly all of the curiously selected "defense" witnesses as liars. Yet, Michael has proven that he is a pathological liar himself. He has publicly lied about so very much that all who have functional eyes and brains can see. He continues to lie about many things. What else will Michael continue to do and lie about?...

    I pity the molested boys who watch Michael walk free as his mindless fans cheer him on. In addition to the immense amounts of cash and lavish gifts that they enjoy with their families, I pray that they someday find priceless inner peace.

    I pray for Michael too. I pray that the little boy I once adored finds sanity in his adult desires and wisdom in his sexual behavior. I pray that each criminal parent of each child, who was or will be pimped to Michael, will be eternally prosecuted by karma.

    I mourn for my fellow Black Americans. We are still collectively paying for the wrath that the O.J. backlash wreaked via racism at the polls. How long and in what brutal fashion will we suffer the racist rage evoked by Michael's verdict? How cruelly ironic that two of the whitest black men on the planet can darken the lives of millions of poor black people!!!

    Lastly, I pray that Americans will wake up! I pray that they will someday rally to support deserving political prisoners and protest real issues as passionately and loyally as they support eurocentric black celebrities who pimp black fans for incomes and embrace us exclusively when they are on the way to jail.

    I hope that someday Americans will become collectively literate and intelligent and seek truths as diligently as they learn to moonwalk. Now, I await yet another tragic and painful courtroom freedom march. R. Kelly' s legal victories loom next...

    For more on the documentation of Michael's crimes, read:

    Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case by Diane Dimond

    Michael Jackson Unauthorized by Christopher Anderson

    La Toya: Growing Up in the Jackson Family by La Toya Jackson

    The Myth, The Magic, & The Madness by Randy Taraborrelli

    Trapped: Michael Jackson and the Crossover Dream by Dave Marsh

    and many more...

    You may also peruse actual retroactive legal documents regarding Michael's cases online at:






    Nothing should ever censor entire truths. Not even the dual deaths of both iconic Michael Jacksons, black or white. Michael’s eternal legacy will forever be marred and tainted by his adult madness.

    The Jackson Family shared a beautiful eulogy for Michael with the world today. I thank them for their inclusion of many images of that beautiful black boy Michael Joseph Jackson that I will always adore. They blackened the memory of the ghastly whitened adult Michael with a soulful sendoff. They kept Michael’s final show classy and spiritual. Their beautiful tribute made it so very clear that the Jacksons never left Michael as Michael clearly left them, his blackness, and his sanity.

    The Jackson family gave that white man back his lost black soul before a rainbow of global people as they all said goodbye. Though I said my goodbyes to the gifted black boy long ago, I truly enjoyed the ceremony for that twisted and strange white male who slew him. Michael Jackson will always be the greatest singer and dancer the world will ever know. Today, those who loved him serenely sang him back to his African ancestors. We will all miss Michael and his uniquely magnificent and awesomely original gifts always…

    My eternal memories of this magnificent memorial include:

    The sexy silky soul singer Usher showing his sensitive side before the beautiful black Michael’s visage… Only real men cry in public…

    The gorgeous and glowing Jennifer Hudson shaming that shrew Simon Cowell once again…

    The heartbreak of Michael’s adopted daughter’s grief so painfully expressed…

    The eternally beautiful and eloquent Smokey Robinson…

    Diana Ross’ and Quincy Jones’ passionate distances from this event…

    Marlon, always my favorite adult member of the Jackson 5, so honest, handsome, hurt, and beautifully black even in grief…

    How beautiful all of the Jackson brothers looked with their brotherly gloves and tangible love on display…

    The smooth and cool John Maher reminding us that his guitarist skills are as excellent as his vocal ones…

    The ageless Lionel Richie singing one of my favorite gospel tunes for the divine black prince that the young Michael will eternally be in my heart and soul...

    The magnificent beauty of Janet Jackson even in grief…

    The soulful and spiritual sista Mariah Carey and Trey Larenz crooning classically as always…

    The very cool and admirably honest Brooke Shields finally admitting that she and Michael were never lovers but child star soulmates…

    The deafening silence of Joe and Katherine, who created Michael and gave him to all of us…

    The significant absences of Michael’s fellow junkies Elizabeth Taylor and Tatum O’Neal…

    The human pit bull Chris Brown being tactfully kept off stage as all convicted felons belonged…

    The proper absence of the amoral and legendary gold digger Debbie Rowe...

    Morons on TV denying Michael’s flagrant alcoholism and drug addictions, as if they were not the primary reasons Michael died…

    Rabid fools on TV actually saying that, simply because Michael’s purchased mystery children were cute and well behaved, they will certainly be sane and happy…

    My long and endless wait for holy gaybashers to spew the same hatred about Michael’s purchased children that they vomited about Wanda Sykes’ and wife Alex’s biological black twins!…

    How relieved I will be when the supremely annoying and rude Firpo Carr disappears from TV…

    Jermaine’s distracting horrid hair and repulsive revisionist denials outshining his sincere grief and sacred musical tribute:

    The admirable and suspect silences of Emmanuel Lewis , Corey Haim, and Macaulay Culkin…

    The cowardly and hypocritical presence of Corey Feldman dressed as the twisted white man he once publicly accused…




    Goodbye Michael: I know you are finally a beautiful black angel once again. Thank you for your eternal black magic and timeless music. May you finally rest in afrocentric peace…Love Always, AB




    Mazel/Sunshine / Retna Ltd.  Pop Stars 70/80's

    Young Michael Jackson


    Michael Jackson


    Michael Jackson: The Man behind the MaskUnmasked: The Final Years of Michael JacksonBe Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson CaseOn Michael JacksonJackson Family Values: Memories of MadnessMichael Jackson Was My Lover: The Secret Diary of Jordie ChandlerStarting OverMichael Jackson: The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, 1958-2009

    Michael Jackson Unauthorized: Michael Jackson UnauthorizedLa Toya: Growing Up in the Jackson FamilyLaToya Jackson: The Shocking and Controversial Expose of Life in the Jackson Family


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